[Mapserver-users] new site: Historical Atlas of Amsterdam

Jan Hartmann jhart at frw.uva.nl
Fri Apr 2 08:49:01 PST 2004

Swaminathan, Gayathri wrote:

> Site initializes with an error in Internet Explorer 6.0
> Has a javascript error : Line 506: form.length is null or not an object.
> gayathri

I got a few other responses of that kind. It has something to do with 
synchronizing many page requests on loading, and it seems to happen with 
very fast computers or on very slow network connections. Mozilla does 
not seem to have this problem, and I heard that under IE the problem 
sometimes goes away by refreshing the page a few times (everything gets 
read from the cache then). I am simplifying the loading process now (it 
was needlessly complex anyway), so in a few days a more streamlined 
version should be available. I'll announce it on the list. Meanwhile, 
thanks for trying it out everyone; it helped marvelously.


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