[Mapserver-users] WFS-Client

Silke Reimer Silke.Reimer at intevation.de
Tue Apr 27 02:57:37 PDT 2004

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Hallo Marc,

On Tue, Apr 27, 2004 at 10:18:45AM +0200, Marc.Jungen at t-online.de wrote:
> Hello List,
> Knows anyone something about the use of Deegree WFS (Server) in UMN
> Mapserver (WFS-Client)?
> I used the specs in the 'How-to', but i always get an error-message.

The problem is, that deegree only excepts HTTP-Post-Request for the
WFS-Server while UMN MapServer as WFS-clients only creates

There are two solutions to this problem. First you can ask the
development team of deegree to provide a filter that converts
WFS-Get-Requests to WFS-Post-Requests. I already pointed them to
this problem but I am not sure whether or when they will implement
this feature.

The second solution is to write an own filter that does the
conversion. I wrote an example which only sets the
bounding-box-filter. No other filter can be set by this script since
I didn't need it so far. I used this script as an external method
within a Zope server and pointed the WFS-request in the map file to
this script.

It should be not too difficult to enhance the script for further
filter and to use it as a python script that will be interpreated
by apache with mod_python.

Otherwise you will need to write an own filter in a language you

Best regards,


Silke Reimer

Intevation GmbH                      http://intevation.de/
FreeGIS                                http://freegis.org/

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