[Mapserver-users] Working with tile indexes (gdaltindex)

Michael Schulz mschulz at webgis.de
Tue Apr 6 23:49:31 PDT 2004


i think that when using tiled data you have to provide the path to the 
tileindex-shapefile with the parameter TILEINDEX not just data. Maybe 
have a glimpse a the docs, since a combination of both (tileindex + 
data) behaves differently again.

Cheers, Michael

> Balkanu GIS wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>Setup: MapLab 2.1rc3, ms4w, mapserver 4.0 precompiled binary for 
>>Windows, Win2000, SP4.
>>I have a number of 13MB TIFF images covering a large area of Australia. 
>>At the moment they are all defined as separate layers in the map file. 
>>I would like to have them all referenced in a tile index. I have 
>>downloaded gdaltidex and used it to create a SHP file containing 
>>refernces to the raster files, however I have not been able to 
>>successfully display it.
>>The relevant portion of my mapfile is below. Can anyone suggest what I 
>>should do to enable the tile display? Do I need a separate class item 
>>for each member of the index?
>>   NAME "Tiled 250k Topographic"
>>   GROUP "Raster"
>>   DATA "../../../Documents and Settings/All Users/Data/Tables 
>>   TILEITEM "location"
>>   MAXSCALE 600000
>>   CLASS
>>   END
>> END
>>Yuri Banens

Michael Schulz                                in medias res
Dipl.-Geologe                              Gesellschaft für
                                 Informationstechnologie mbH
                                      In den Weihermatten 66
		                             79108 Freiburg
                                      0761 55695-95 (Fax 96)
mschulz at webgis.de              www.webgis.de/www.zopecms.de

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