[Mapserver-users] Pie charts

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Thu Apr 22 04:31:55 PDT 2004

Flavio Hendry said:
> Hi Moritz
> we did somthing similar, however you have to click or search a city to
> see the charts; link in french:
> http://www.ch03.ch/fr/geopolitics/abstimmungen/abstimmungen.php

Thank you for the hint, but I'm trying to put the charts on the map
itself, not on the side as it is in above link. (Or didn't I see correctly

> We used DMSolutions OWTChart, see:
> http://www.maptools.org/owtchart/

Yes, Gijs already suggested this and it does look like a very interesting

Thanks to you both !


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