[Mapserver-users] mapscript dl() fails with missing gdImageSetClip symbol

Hal Mueller hal at mobilegeographics.com
Wed Apr 14 23:55:31 PDT 2004

Thanks to some suggestions from list members I have mapserv up and 
running, got the itasca demo to draw, and built a second PHP (CGI 
version) to run Mapscript.  I have php_mapscript.so copied to the 
proper directory (I know this because for a while I didn't!).  I have 
edited ld.so.conf, run ldconfig, and restarted httpd.

I'm now trying to do a simple dl(php_mapscript), phpinfo().

When I do this I see

Warning :  dl(): Unable to load dynamic library 
undefined symbol: gdImageSetClip in 
/home/virtual/site1/fst/var/www/html/mapscriptTest.phtml on line 11

The installation, and full phpinfo() results including config 
switches, are at . 
Another sample,, uses the 
built-in PHP (4.3.3 instead of 4.3.5).

I believe that what is happening is that php_mapscript needs another 
dynamic library to find the GD stuff, but isn't finding it.  But I'm 
not sure of that.



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