[Mapserver-users] mapscript dl() fails with missing gdImageSetClip symbol

Hal Mueller hal at mobilegeographics.com
Thu Apr 15 10:14:24 PDT 2004

At 23:55 -0700 4/14/04, Hal Mueller wrote:
>I believe that what is happening is that php_mapscript needs another 
>dynamic library to find the GD stuff, but isn't finding it.  But I'm 
>not sure of that.

Nope, this was the wrong guess.

I had the wrong GD setting on my mapserv config.status.  When I added 
"static" to the GD flag, making it "--with-gd=static,../gd-2.0.21"  , 
then the PHP load of php_mapscript.so worked fine.

Off to create my next bug...


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