[Mapserver-users] [gis newbie] Using my own data.

Jan Hartmann j.l.h.hartmann at uva.nl
Tue Apr 20 03:46:48 PDT 2004

Nico Alberti wrote:
> Hi everybody.
> This is not exaclty a Mapserver related question, but instead a request
> for help understanding the basics of GIS information. Sorry about it.
> I just set up a test installation of Mapserver and it seems it is working
> fine with the tutorial data provided.
> The problem is that now I would like to try to publish my own data but, as
> I have no knowledge of the GIS world I am stuck simply trying to make
> Mapserver see a simple shp|dbf|shx set of files using the most basic
> template in the Tutorial. It seems that I need to give mapserver the
> correct value for the EXTENT and most of all for the projection data. For
> the first one I tried to use the "ogrinfo" utility as suggested in the
> tutorial, but I noticed, for example, that the values it gives feeding it
> with the tutorial data are different from those used in the corrisponding
> .map . Anyway using "ogrinfo" output in the EXTENT clause of my .map file
> makes mapserver builing only a blank image.
> And about the projection issue I am helpless. Does some Esri program (that
> I can not access at this time) provide this kind of information?
> I also tried to use some helper application like MapServer Workbenck but,
> even if the vector data are correctly displayed in MsShapeExplorer, the
> corresponding .map file has errors in it.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance and sorry for
> my poor English.

Hi Nico, could you please send your mapfile and the ogrinfo results to 
the list? It is probably a small matter, as you seem to have prepared 
everything OK.


Jan Hartmann
Department of Geography
University of Amsterdam
j.l.h.hartmann at uva.nl

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