RES: [Mapserver-users] Tolerance question ..

Murilo Lacerda Yoshida murilo.yoshida at
Mon Apr 19 11:29:27 PDT 2004

  Thanks for the answer... And I coded your suggestion, it worked fine.
Thanks a lot...

-----Mensagem original-----
De: mapserver-users-admin at
[mailto:mapserver-users-admin at] Em nome de Norbert
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 19 de abril de 2004 04:20
Para: murilo.yoshida at
Cc: mapserver-users at
Assunto: Re: [Mapserver-users] Tolerance question ..

Murilo Lacerda Yoshida schrieb:
>   Hi all,
>   I have two questions now...
>   First one is about the tolerance I set on the map file. This
> is like a radium around the user click? Like, if I set the tolerance
> 5 pixels, it would be like if the user clicks on a point, I will query

> everything in a 5 pixel radium, to all directions?
>   Second one is about the querybypoint method. My first attempt to use

> tolerance on my map was setting it on the querybypoint method, so I
> a 5 on the last parameter. But this tolerance was looking like if it
> like 5000000000 kilometers.. In every point of the map I clicked I
> query something, even if it was very far from my click. Then I tried
> put a -1 on the last parameter, and put tolerance 5 on my map file. It

> worked fine. But now I'm curious why the 5 of the querybypoint is so 
> different from the 5 of the map file.
>   Thanks,
>      Murilo

Sorry I missed an important point:
The tolerance in the mapfile depends on the definition of the 
toleranceunits. If toleranceunits is not set then it is in pixel.
If you use a tolerance in the querybypoint function <= 0 then mapscript 
uses the value set in the mapfile.
In the other case (tolerance > 0) the tolerance in the querybypoint 
function have to be in georeferenced map coordinates.

And yes, I think it is the definition of the radius for a buffer around 
the pointObj where you make a click.

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