[Mapserver-users] Installing PHP MapScript

qoelheX qoelhex at cttmar.univali.br
Fri Apr 16 09:45:40 PDT 2004

Gabriel Moricz wrote:

>Hello @ all..
>I have installed MapServer, with Jpeg, Gdal, PNG, Freetype, GD, HTTPD, PHP4,
>OGR and so on...
>I build the map server with these options and at the /mapscript/php3/
>I have all necessary files, like mapscript_i.o,php_mapscript.o,
>php_mapscript.h, well..As I said all is compiled and ok...
>But now...What Must I do???
>I dont know where to go, and what to do..
Try to copy the php_mapscript.so from folder mapscript/php3 of your
mapserv source tree to folder extensions on the php install dir.

So, enable extensions in your php.ini or load it with  dl(
"php_mapscript.so" ) on top of your php script!

All right?

by qoelheX

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