[Mapserver-users] which OGC specs and versions compies the actual umn mapserver 4.0.1 (4.1)

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at ccgis.de
Tue Apr 6 07:59:32 PDT 2004

Sebastian Bölling wrote:

>which OGC specifications (WMS, WFS, GML) and versions complies the actual UMN MapServer 4.0.1 (and 4.1 in the future)? At the OGC website (http://www.opengis.org/resources/?page=products) there is only some old information about the MapServer 3.5 which is compatible to OGC WMS 1.1.0.
a slightly longer answer comes here: We are using UMN MapServer as WMS 
1.1.0, 1.1.0 and 1.1.1 and have also tested WFS 1.0.0. with an 
underlying PostgreSQL/PostGIS database. Runs smoothly. Most of the SLD 
support has recently been added and documented here:

But: You got to be careful with the term "compatible" in the OGC context 
as I had to learn the hard way last year... The correct word is 
"implementing", they are sort of  a little fussy about that.

Anyway - UMN MapServer is still not implementing WMS correctly as it 
always returns images with "square" pixels. If you use UMN MapServer as 
the only service don't bother about it. If you have to combine it with 
other WMS it might be problematic.
Its a little tricky to get the gist of this problem. Whenever you 
request an image which has an inconsitent aspect ratio of pixels and 
coordinates, UMN MapServer will cheat by adding as much map as is needed 
to fill up the difference until it can return "square" pixels. The OGC 
spec. specifies that instead the image should be stretched. If you 
overlay the MS' result with another WMS which does return (WMS 
compliant) warped images you will see the difference, whenever the 
client works with warped start-up parameters. In the center of the map 
the overlay looks good, the further you get to the border of the map the 
larger will be the delta.

Best regards,

>Best regards,
>Sebastian Boelling
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