[Mapserver-users] Win32 mapparser.h and Compiling

Rene Teniere TENIERER at gov.ns.ca
Tue Apr 20 14:04:14 EDT 2004

Hi all,

I know this topic is on the list already, however, I've been beating
this thing dead for over 2 days now with no results.

Problem: Need to compile the latest mapserver dev version to access all
the WMS fixes. Can't seem to be able to do it correctly. Keep running
into the famous Cannot open include file: mapparser.h

I would like to get this working as I want to be able to get the latest
version compiled whenever certain fixes are out. I know this would be
simpler on a Unix system, however, I have no choice in this matter. Can
anyone help me out? Any suggestions?

I have read about putting the following into the makefile.vc:

LEX =3D flex
YACC = 3D bison

Is this all I need? Any other external programs??



Rene J.R. Teniere - BSc., D.GIS
GIS Technician
Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources
Forestry Division (GIS) - Truro

Phone: (902) 893-5655
Mobile: (902) 209-8956

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