[Mapserver-users] HTML Legends as lists

Liz Godwin godwinl at agr.gc.ca
Mon Apr 5 06:24:52 PDT 2004


I'd thought of this, but I just wanted to avoid having to duplicate a
lot of mapfile tags as metadata.  In my mind, I shouldn't have to.  (I'm
a picky user)

Maybe this component will change in the future...?  


>>> "Ryan, Adam" <ARyan at co.linn.or.us> 04/02/04 06:33PM >>>

I think you might be underestimating the power of the HTML Legend.

Remember, any layer can have any number of metadata tags to help you
layers them into the right group, div, list, whatever.  Also, using
javascript, you could build arrays with the repeating HTML Legend
than write anything out onto the document.  Use the footer to write it

As for the collapse, expand, find a couple of nice gifs (+,-) and do
something like
Function colexp(id){
	theE = document.getElementById(id);
	theE.style.display (theE.style.display=="none") ?

Use the group name (not necessarily the mapserver group, a metadata
group of
your own) and the layer name as a unique id.

Or something like that.


-----Original Message-----
From: Liz Godwin [mailto:godwinl at agr.gc.ca] 
Sent: Friday, April 02, 2004 12:16 PM
To: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu 
Subject: [Mapserver-users] HTML Legends as lists

Hello all!

I've been looking into making a collapsable legend.
I have groups of layers, each of which have detailed class

Now.. I can make an HTML legend work just fine.  It's the collapsing

Currently the HTML legend works that only the code between the
sections is used, and only certain tags are available within repeating
sections.  These two things are preventing me from making this an easy

I'd like to be able to create a heirachical list such that my group
that it's children are it's layers with the same group, and the layers
which classes are their own.  The way to do this would be to add <ul>
around my layers and classes.  BUT I can't.

An alternative (but to me merely a temp. workaround) to this would be
give an identifier to each layer and class that of it's parent so that
could be found using some javascript, but alas, my group info isn't
available to my layer in the HTML template file.

Oh Mapserver Gurus...please tell me this would be something simple to
implement.  I think a lot of other people would be interested in this.

Lists are quickly becomming a popular display method in web pages
instead of


Liz Godwin

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