[Mapserver-users] Windows 2000 Server problem

Mahalakshmi Narayanan mhln25 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 19 21:30:08 PDT 2004

Did u check the write permission on the
c:/Inetpub/wwwroot/images/ folder for IUSR_<m/c name>

Mahalakshmi Narayanan
--- Sam Choudry <samuzzal at linux.net> wrote:


  I have already implemented a Php-Mapscript
application with features 
like Zooming-Panning, Layering and also Querying in
Windows 2000 
Professional using IIS 5.0. But when I transferred the
to another machine(copy the contents of wwwroot from
the first machine 
to the second one's wwwroot) with Windows 2000 Server,
I find the 
following error messages:

Warning: [MapServer Error]: msSaveImage():
c:/Inetpub/wwwroot/images/10823679359241.gif) in
c:\inetpub\wwwroot\php\nalbari\nalbari.php on line 116

Fatal error: Failed writing image to
c:/Inetpub/wwwroot/images/10823679359241.gif in
c:\inetpub\wwwroot\php\nalbari\nalbari.php on line 116

 Can I have some suggestions from the group.


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