[Mapserver-users] Atlas Amsterdam, first week running
Jan Hartmann
jhart at frw.uva.nl
Wed Apr 7 07:29:26 PDT 2004
Hi Folks,
After six days running, I got about 7000 map requests from 360 computers
and some thirty personal communications from all over the world, which
is very nice. Thanks! Based on that, I would say that once the
application gets loaded, it runs without problems. For such a complex
user interface this is very satisfactory.
The main problem seems getting the thing loaded at all. Some 50
computers didn't manage to get even the first map loaded (about 20 of
these from Brazil, I don't know why). There seem to be two reasons for
this (apart from robots and other undirected visits):
1) The application runs *only* on IE 5.5 and up, and Mozilla 1.3 and up.
I'm sorry to have forgotten to say this in the announcement. I'll add a
browser detector, but I don't think it will ever be possible to extend
this interface to anything else thane W3C compliant browsers.
2) Both slow connections and slow computers seem to timeout on loading.
I have sped up the graphics and deferred loading as much as possible, so
now the page should load much faster and hopefully on more sites. It
remains a complex aplication however, and will allways require much
network traffic and PC processing power.
If people still encounter problems although they have the right sort of
platform, computer and connection, I would appreciate if they'd let me know.
In a few weeks I'll make the source code of the user interface
available. A preliminary version is at:
This is the basic interface, which has not changed. I added a few
classes specific for MapServer, e.g. the windows with the zoom buttons.
With these additions a complete mapping interface, including zoom and
pan, can be written in a few dozen lines of JavaScript.
Again, thanks a lot!
dr. J. Hartmann
Department of Geography
University of Amsterdam
email:jhart at frw.uva.nl
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