[Mapserver-users] Compiling PHP_MapScript.dl...

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at dmsolutions.ca
Wed Apr 7 20:31:55 PDT 2004

Mike Leahy wrote:
> I had actually posted a message about this earlier asking if maybe the next 
> posted copy of MapServer 4.1-dev binaries could include PostGIS support, but 
> nobody replied and I actually somehow got removed from the mailing list 
> shortly after that (!?).  I realize that the developers cannot meet all 
> requests made by users.  So, when the April 2 version of 4.1 was posted on 
> maptools.org and still didn't include PostGIS, I started looking at other 
> possible solutions.  As you can see in my subsequent messages, I didn't really 
> find much success...mostly due to the fact that I'm working in a Windows 
> environment.  For now, I'll stick with the older versions that I currently 
> have working.

Oh, I see... I thought that Assefa's windows binaries (the ones on 
maptools.org) did include PostGIS.

Maybe if he reads this he could re-enable PostGIS in the next maptools 
build for MapServer 4.0.2, or when we release 4.2 in a few weeks.

  Daniel Morissette               dmorissette at dmsolutions.ca
  DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/

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