[Mapserver-users] scripting languages

Tyler Mitchell TMitchell at lignum.com
Fri Apr 16 14:52:16 PDT 2004

If you need functionality beyond what the CGI version provides - then you 
can use MapServer functionality within another programming environment.
Some find this particularly useful when designing a certain type of "look 
and feel" to their site - with certain types of interaction with the user 
that CGI might not do so well or allow.  The scripting option is also used 
to integrate mapserver functionality into other types of web applications 
where basic mapping and querying is not enough.  For example, you could 
process some information before asking mapserver to draw it.


mapserver-users-admin at lists.gis.umn.edu wrote on 04/15/2004 03:53:21 PM:

> Dear users
> Can someone give me more information about the scripting languages 
> uses like perl, PHP and others. What is their purpose.
> Someone told me that it can be used for spatial analysis. I am not a 
> programmer so dont know at all as to how Mapserver benefits by using the 

> languages. CAn someone clarify if at all it is used for spatial 
analysis. In 
> not, then what is its purpose
> Many Thanks
> Saurabh Data
> ___________________________________________________________________
> Saurabh Data
> School of Computing
> University of Leeds
> Leeds LS2 9JT
> U.K.
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