[Mapserver-users] One more question -

Anna Blanchard blanchal at westminster.edu
Sun Apr 18 12:22:51 PDT 2004

One more question  - 

     how do a specify in that block what projection I'm using?  do i
just write out the complete projection name? 

thanks for the help  - 

>You need to do two things.
>1) in the main MAP definition of the map file you need to specify what

>projection you want your map image to be displayed in with a
>... END block.
>2) in each data LAYER you need to specify what PROJECT the data is in

>using a PROJECTION ... END block for that layer.
>Mapserver will take care of the rest for you.
>-Steve W.
>Anna Blanchard wrote:
> Hi - 
>    I'm new at this and have a couple of possibly easy questions - 
>  I'm having trouble seeing my data in my mapserver because of the
> projection - With one set of data that uses a State Plane projection
> system I see everything fine - however two of my layers use a
> projection (Lambert Conformal Conic) - how do i get these layers to
> display?  I've seen the porjection function in others code however i
> don't know what the definitions of those variables - 
> the variables are that I can't define are:
>   "proj=utm"
>   "ellps=GRS80"
>   "zone=12"
>   "north"
>   "no_defs"
> any suggestions would be great! thanks - 

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