[Mapserver-users] Win CE Version

Dharani Babu dharanibabus at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 5 21:13:54 PDT 2004

Thanks steve
Thats much of help from u . please drop me a word if u come across anything 
similar to my demands.
I am talking to my seniors to know if the device could be net connected . in 
that circumstances i can easily display the maps using web browser controls 
in vb.net embedded environment. but it seems doubtful only . anyway off i go 
. thanks for ur and tyler's support .
regards and thanks in advance

>From: Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri at swoodbridge.com>
>To: Dharani Babu <dharanibabus at hotmail.com>
>CC: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu,  tmitchell at lignum.com
>Subject: Re: [Mapserver-users] Win CE Version
>Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2004 09:32:22 -0400
>There is no support currently for vb.net. I am suggesting that you look at 
>SWIG or the C-API and that you build an interface for vb.net. I can't help 
>you much more than this suggestion as I am not familiar with the Microsoft 
>development environment. I am guessing that you probably want to write a 
>COM/DCOM wrapper to mapserver that you can access via vb.net.
>It is unlikely that you can use PHP/Mapscript to do what you want without 
>getting very convoluted, but these might give you some examples of how to 
>integrate similar calls into vb.net or a COM object.
>Sorry, I can't help with SWIG other than to suggest that it might be worth 
>looking to see it they have a mode for generating COM objects, in which 
>case it might be a useful tool.
>There are other on this list that are much more knowledgeable about Windows 
>technology, SWIG, mapscript than I am. May be they will jump in here and 
>offer their suggestions. ;)
>Dharani Babu wrote:
>>Could you tell me
>>1) which version of mapscript( It is PHP mapscript right ?) should be 
>>2) steps to get SWIG +map server APIs + vb.net working with samples if 
>>possible please as I am fully new to SWIG .
>>with regards and thanks in advance
>>>From: Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri at swoodbridge.com>
>>>To: Dharani Babu <dharanibabus at hotmail.com>
>>>CC: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu,  tmitchell at lignum.com,  
>>>spatialguru at shaw.ca,  info at peoplegis.com
>>>Subject: Re: [Mapserver-users] Win CE Version
>>>Date: Sat, 03 Apr 2004 09:07:46 -0500
>>>A lot of points here, but I might a suggest another way of approaching 
>>>this problem. Mapserver has a Swig interface definition that is used to 
>>>build mapscript. It might be possible to build a Swig interface to VB.Net 
>>>or a com object so you would then compile mapserver into a dll or 
>>>whatever that could be called directly from VB.NET.
>>>Then you can avoid all the issues of HTML, browses, etc. You would then 
>>>write an application making calls to mapscript to load the mapfile, and 
>>>generate map images what could be returned either via a tmp file or as an 
>>>image object that you would then display directly to the screen.
>>>You would build your user interface and whole application directly in the 
>>>native WinCE development environment and forget about all the issues of 
>>>webservers, networking, HTML, browses, etc.
>>>Hope this helps,
>>>Dharani Babu wrote:
>>>>Hi all
>>>>    I am venturing into trails of using map server components in a win 
>>>>ce based device . I invite and request all of the members to add thier 
>>>>points .
>>>>My Aim is to develope a map server component on a handheld device of 
>>>>like pocket PC . The first phase is to successfully deploy the mapserver 
>>>>exe ( either _36 or _40) at the target device with associated dlls and 
>>>>libs .I hope we will be in need of map server exe version for win ce 
>>>>platform right ? As I am using emualtor I dont face any probs as of now 
>>>>with accessing the mapserver exe but the case may be different when it 
>>>>comes to activesync it to the real device . Third phase --
>>>>There are two possibilties one is that the device being connected to 
>>>>net( tyler this point is to you :)) . In that case from the device the 
>>>>user types like http:<ip>/file.html off they go !!! but the situation is 
>>>>not that simple . Coz the devices wont be connected to net at all . In 
>>>>that case we are in need of 1) passing the hidden variables to the 
>>>>mapserv exe WITHOUT init html 2) retrieving the temporary images created 
>>>>at the /tmp folder and then have to display them without BROWSER . right 
>>>>? Here is where I am confused lot .. Does the IE retreive the tmp images 
>>>>or the mapserver maps the images to an instance of IE ? I hope the 
>>>>second . So in this case how to change the default behavior of 
>>>>mapserver's association with brower to display the images ? Fourth ..
>>>>How to get the template html work done with out html ? Thats we need to 
>>>>have zoom in /out /pan /query feature etc Which need to be somehow fired 
>>>>without the template html ... And last The mother of all doubts I have 
>>>>is will map server work without apache or IIS ? :)
>>>>I amplanning to start coding next week onwards . Hope I would be having 
>>>>some tons of messages in my inbox after week end ....
>>>>I hope I have opened a wide area of discussion to follow ...I hope to 
>>>>get invaluable suggestions from the members in all ...bye for now
>>>>with regards and thanks in advance
>>>>dharani babu
>>>>NB: The possible platform for mapserver component in win ce will be VB 
>>>>.NETsmart project ...
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>>Studies, career, romance. Whatever your concerns. 
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Studies, career, romance. Whatever your concerns. 
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