symbol question

Emil Zegers EZS at DESTRAAT.NL
Thu Aug 5 06:18:45 PDT 2004

Hello Bart,

A few ideas, consider them workarounds, not solutions:

1. Add an extra POINT layer with 'centroids' based on the line elements, maybe move them to be on the line when necessary. (Question from my side: Is it logical for a layer containing fences to be a LINE layer? I think symbol work 'best' on POINT layers, don't know how they behave exactly on LINE and POLYGON layers)

2. Use an image instead of a symbol (haven't tried this for LINE layers so don't know what the result will be).



>>> bartvde at XS4ALL.NL 08/05/04 03:07pm >>>
Hi Emil, Javier,

I also experience the same behaviour Javier describes, and I use Mapserver

The difference is Emil uses a POINT layer, whereas I use a LINE layer and
Javier probably also.

Any ideas?

Best regards,


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