HostGIS Linux

Gregor Mosheh stigmata at BLACKANGEL.NET
Wed Aug 11 11:37:15 EDT 2004

We're proud to announce the initial release of HostGIS Linux! It's a new
Linux distribution that comes with an already-working map-service system:
PHP, Postgres/PostGIS, MapServer, PDF support, MapScript for Perl, Python,
and PHP, and so on. So, just run through the setup, wait a few minutes for
it to install, reboot, and start uploading map files...

Being a Linux, it is of course both free and Free.

Please consider this a "1.0 final beta" release. Everything seems to work
just perfectly, but there will undoubtedly be a bug or two, or a feature
that's generally useful that I didn't think to include - so you may want
to test it a bit before changing your live servers over to it. ;) Please
give it a try and let me know of any problems you encounter.

After folks have stomped on this version for a while to make sure it's all
good, the goal is for v2 to offer a windows system: KDE, JUMP, GRASS,
MapLab, and other GIS tools. Those optional components would be for folks
who want to make GIS information, as opposed to just serving the maps.

Gregor Mosheh, B.S.

43rd Law of Computing:
         Anything that can go wr
fortune: Segmentation violation -- Core dumped

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