Win Mapserver Postgis layer error again

Mladen Kotarac mladen.kotarac at CKFF.SI
Tue Aug 24 02:51:58 PDT 2004

I am getting closer :-(

Data string: "the_geom FROM not1" produces this error:
*Warning*: [MapServer Error]: prep_DB(): Error executing POSTGIS DECLARE
(the actual query) statement: 'DECLARE mycursor BINARY CURSOR
asbinary(force_collection(force_2d(� ’  p— )),'NDR'),OID::text
from ŕĎQ  p—  WHERE � ’  p—  && setSRID('BOX3D(365000 8906.25,635000
211093.75)'::BOX3D, find_srid('','ŕĎQ  p— ','� ’  p— ') )'
Postgresql reports the error as 'ERROR: syntax error at or near " " at
character 79 '

while data string "the_geom from not1" simply crashes the PostgreSQL.

Any help would be appreciated.



Mladen Kotarac, univ.dipl.biol.
Center za kartografijo favne in flore
Centre for Cartography of Fauna and Flora

Antoliciceva 1, SI-2204 Miklavž na Dravskem polju, Slovenija
tel: 00386-(0)2-6295150
fax: 00386-(0)2-6295151

podružnica Ljubljana, Zemljemerska 10, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel: 00386-(0)1-4382440
fax: 00386-(0)1-4382445

GSM: 00386-(0)41-735429
e-mail: mladen.kotarac at

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