AVI/MPEG for visualization over time..

Julien Demaria dem at ACRI-ST.FR
Fri Dec 3 00:21:18 PST 2004


I use ffmpeg to do that : http://ffmpeg.sourceforge.net/index.php

On Linux or Win32 (with cygwin) you should download last CVS version (cvs
-z9 -d:pserver:anonymous at mplayerhq.hu:/cvsroot/ffmpeg co ffmpeg),
  do ./configure (options ?); make; make install and then launch :ffmpeg -r
10 -i img%3d.jpg -f avi -vcodec msmpeg4v2 -qscale 5 -y anim.avi
to convert your img001.jpg, img002.jpg to AVI readable at least tested on
-r 10 = 10 images/s
-qscale 5 = quality (1 = best, 31 = worse)
the output video has good quality and computing time and memory is very good !



At 20:52 02/12/2004, Steve Lehr wrote:
>Anyone making movies with Mapserv?  I'd like to string a 1000 or so images
>generated into an AVI, say display a jpeg every N seconds.
>I can easily make script in php to generate the images, i'm looking for a
>"library" that allows me to string images together and make a movie type
>Preferrably something free and standard - really hoping for MPEG/AVI.  For
>example the guys who talked at MUM2 about GOMOS might want to look at
>changes in water over a month.  A viewer to string images together would be
>Anyone using a tool with php or perl to do that?
>I'm thinking like something below - I'm not nec married to avi could be some
>other video type; nor am I married to JPEG's below could be png, gif
>something mapserver renderable
>use AVI;  # fictious and hopeful as are all avi calls below
>avi_file = AVI::create("my_first_action_video.avi");
>open(FILE_PIPE, "ls -l width==1 *.jpg |");
>   chomp();
>   avi->add_image($_);
>   avi->show_image_for(2);  # set delay 2 seconds
>Steven Lehr
>Assistant Professor
>Freshmen Program
>College of Engineering
>Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (LB159)
>600 S. Clyde Morris Blvd.
>Daytona Beach, FL 32114-3900
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