4.4.0 build ok, but 4 python mapscript tests are failing

didier.georgieff didier.georgieff at AGRICULTURE.GOUV.FR
Mon Dec 6 05:47:26 PST 2004

Hello Sean,

I just build OK the new MS 4.4.0 on mdk 10.0. I used :

$ ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-httpd=/usr/sbin/httpd2 --with-proj
   --with-ogr --with-gdal --with-pdf --with-threads --with-gd=/usr
   --with-jpeg=/usr --with-libiconv=/usr --with-freetype=/usr
   --with-zlib=/usr --with-png=/usr --with-xpm=usr/X11R6

I have a python 2.3.3 and compiled python mapscript :

$ cp mapscript/python/modern/* mapscript/python/
$ cd mapscript/python/
$ python setup.py build

All seems fine.

But when i want to test mapscript, 4 tests are failing (segfault if
invoqued from mapscript/python/test/cases/, and ERROR if invoqued from

4 tests are clonetest.py, imagetest.py, outputformattest.py and
symboltest.py. I can provide all the detailed report if you need it.


python tests/cases/imagetest.py -v
imageObj constructor works ... ok
imageObj with a filename works ... ERROR
imageObj with a filename and a driver works ... ERROR
imageObj with a file stream works ... ERROR
imageObj with a cStringIO works ... ERROR
imageObj with a URL stream works ... ERROR
imageObj with an optional driver works ... ERROR
image writes data to an open filehandle ... ERROR
image writes data to a StringIO instance ... ERROR
test that an image can be saved as a string ... ERROR

ERROR: imageObj with a filename works
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "tests/cases/imagetest.py", line 95, in testConstructorFilename
    imgobj = mapscript.imageObj(test_image)
  File "build/lib.linux-i686-2.3/mapscript.py", line 1182, in __init__
    if self.thisown: destroy(self)
TypeError: new_imageObj() takes at least 2 arguments (1 given)

ERROR: imageObj with a filename and a driver works
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "tests/cases/imagetest.py", line 103, in
    imgobj = mapscript.imageObj(test_image)
  File "build/lib.linux-i686-2.3/mapscript.py", line 1182, in __init__
    if self.thisown: destroy(self)
TypeError: new_imageObj() takes at least 2 arguments (1 given)

Thanks again for your hard work on python mapscript and your new PCL.
didier.georgieff <didier.georgieff at agriculture.gouv.fr>
DIDSIT du Bas-Rhin

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