projection config in mapfile

Cord Thomas cord at LUPINEX.COM
Mon Dec 6 14:17:46 PST 2004

Have you found the documentation, particularly the documentation on the

which also refers to

page 57 of this document starts the discussion of State Plane Coordinate
System in proj4.

State zone numbers are here:

Maryland appears to be in zone 4126 and have the following lambert conic
projection parameters:

1st Std.Parallel    38 18 00
2nd Std.Parallel    39 27 00
CentralMeridian    -77 00 00
Origin(Latitude)    37 40 00
False Easting (m)     400000
False Northing(m)          0

Convert the degree minute second to decimal degrees:

degrees + minutes / 60 + seconds / 3600

then use the standard project format:


Of course, an easier way is to use EPSG:


for meters

> I am new to mapserver and i am looking for some
> example of how to configure the PROJECTION tag in a
> mapfile.
> The example i am working in needs to be projected in
> Maryland State Plane Coordinates NAD 83
> Thanks
> Jon

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