transparency lost when layer is queried

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Mon Dec 6 18:57:10 EST 2004

Ryan, Adam wrote:
> Dear List,
> Has anyone experienced the loss of layer transparency when querying?  I have
> the following querymap and layer:

You mean that you lose transparency in the QUERYMAP, right? The querymap
rendering has a bunch of issues, including the lack of support for
transparency. Hopefully this will be addressed in 4.4/4.6:

In the meantime you're out of luck, the simple fix would be to avoid the
combination of querymap + transparency. It should also be possible to
use a temporary layer or custom classes in mapscript to emulate the
querymap effect with a normal map->draw() call.

  Daniel Morissette               dmorissette at
  DM Solutions Group    

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