itemnquery and qlayer not found, NAME vs GROUP

Geographic Resource Solutions grs at GRSGIS.COM
Tue Dec 7 08:57:26 PST 2004

Hi List,

Last night I came finally got past a problem I had with itemnquery where I
kept getting the qlayer not found message even though it was in my
mapserver statement.  My qlayer specified a layer GROUP name rather a layer
NAME value.  By chance I tried the actual layer NAME value and the locate
feature worked.

Can someone confirm that this call/function needs a qlayer value based on a
NAME value rather than a GROUP value.

Secondly, now that the function is returning the selected feature, none of
the other features specified as layers to be drawn are being displayed.  Is
this for the same reason ?  Does all layer input for commands like this
have to be by name rather than group ?


Geographic Resource Solutions
1125 16th Street, Suite 213
Arcata, CA 95521
Phone: (707) 822-8005
Fax: (707) 822-2864

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