raster not showing

didier.georgieff didier.georgieff at AGRICULTURE.GOUV.FR
Wed Dec 8 01:24:33 PST 2004

Le mar 07/12/2004 à 19:16, Ethan Alpert a écrit :

> This is very simple and something I use over and over to find my errors.
> Here's an example I just did. In my home directory I wrote a mapfile
> with just one raster layer:


> Then I called mapserv with the following URL:
> http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/home/ealpert/test.map&mode=map

Thanks A LOT !! This what I needed.
And this allowed me to confirm that the raster alone was not showing up.

The problem's origin was in folder persmissions (chmod o+w solved the problem !)
Thanks again for the tip.

For MS developpers, just one small note related to that : even with --enable-debug i had no error
message on the browser or in the Apache log.
May be a log warning "can't access the raster file" would be of some help. I think i remember that this
kind of problem on shp files produces an error output (my memory can be wrong)

So thanks for the help, and thanks to MS developpers for such a beast !

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