How to dump directly to the web browser

Jose Luis Gonzalez joseluismapserver at YAHOO.ES
Mon Dec 13 03:13:57 PST 2004

Hello to everyone

I am using Mapserver 4.4 and java (servlets), and I have used the example that the instalation program gives me. I't this one:

                mapObj map = new mapObj("");
                map.getImagecolor().setRGB(153, 153, 204);
                styleObj st = map.getLayer(1).getClass(0).getStyle(0);
                imageObj img = map.draw();
                System.out.println("The map will be drawn to: result5.png");
      "result5.png", map);

But what I want to do is to draw directly to the web browser, not to save the file.

Could someone tell me how to do it?

Thank you

Jose Luis


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