How to render a layer with HTML/JS with MapServer 4.4.0 (configuration problem)

Bart van den Eijnden bartvde at XS4ALL.NL
Mon Dec 13 04:24:45 PST 2004


I think that unfortunately you have run into something which is not
possible with 4.4. AFAIK this will only be possible when the functionality
to define your own outputformats has been realized, and the target for
that one is FUTURE in bugzilla.

"I will leave this open (and set it to FUTRUE) since we will need to
instaure a user defined mecahnism to be able to advertize other formats."

Best regards,

> Hi,
> Yes, I try it and I get this message:
> <ServiceException code="InvalidFormat">
> msWMSLoadGetMapParams(): Image handling error. Unsupported output format
> (text/html).
> </ServiceException>
> Ok, i can't define my output formats, but what do i have to do to use
> supported formats?
> Many thanks
> On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 12:43:46 +0100, Bart van den Eijnden
> <bartvde at XS4ALL.NL>
> wrote:
>>the support is probably still in there, but some changes were done to the
>>formats that a WMS GetCapabilities response outputs. There is no current
>>mechanism to define (as a user) your own output formats for WMS.
>>Do you get an exception when you ask for format=text/html in 4.4?
>>Best regards,

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