Image output pixel coordinates

Karel Cernohorsky cernohor at CENTRUM.CZ
Mon Dec 13 07:30:46 EST 2004

Hello folks,

I need an advice,

I am trying to develop small java application
where I am displaying a map as a background.

I wasn't able to succesfuly compile and rum Java mapscript on Windows
(I will post some questions to this problem later)

Now I am using php to prepare the map using PHP/MapScript.
And this page is returned as an png image.

I have a set of GPS positions and I can display them as a points in the map
using php
(which is able to set another layer and write points symbols there.)


for ($n = 0; $n <sizeof($map_pointx); $n++) {
   $point[$n] = ms_newPointObj();

Is there any way how can I get the pixel coordinates of each point object I
have drawn in the "add_points" layer?

My output projection is default


I thought It could be easy to simply calculate them from height and width
and from the min and max
latitude and longitude of the returned map extent., am I right or wrong?
Can anybody help me or give me any advice?

Looking forward to read your hints,
Karel Cernohorsky.


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