symbolobj of php mapscript

Nicol Hermann mapserver at GEOWORLD.DE
Wed Dec 15 05:26:20 PST 2004

Hi List,

i noticed a little problem with the symbolObj of php mapscript.
When i set the point values like this:
$sympoints[0] = 0;
$sympoints[1] = 1;
$sympoints[2] = 0.5;
$sympoints[3] = 1.5;

i get back the following array when i execute
print_r ($symbolobj->getpointsarray());

    [0] => 0
    [1] => 1
    [2] => 0
    [3] => 1

The decimal places of the last two values get lost.
According to the docs (
setpoints expects double values.
To me it seems as they are treated as int.

Is this a bug?

Also i noticed that numpoints is still zero after the

Thanks for any hints

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