ArcIMS Emulator and ArcGIS 9sp2

Berend Veldkamp berend.veldkamp at ARIS.NL
Wed Dec 22 06:31:07 EST 2004

Is anyone using the ArcIMS Emulator from Refractions with ArcGIS 9,
service pack 2? It works without problems in 9, but after installing
sp2, no images are created.
It seems Esri has a different way of specifying the coordinate system,
it used to be simply <FEATURECOORDSYS id="28992"/>, but now it's

<FEATURECOORDSYS string="PROJCS[&quot;RD_New&quot;,
DATUM[&quot;D_Amersfoort&quot;, SPHEROID[&quot;Bessel_1841&quot;,
6377397.155,299.1528128]], PRIMEM[&quot;Greenwich&quot;,0.0],
UNIT[&quot;Degree&quot; ,0.0174532925199433]],
PARAMETER[&quot;False_Easting&quot;, 155000.0],
PARAMETER[&quot;False_Northing&quot;, 463000.0],
PARAMETER[&quot;Central_Meridian&quot;, 5.38763888888889],
PARAMETER[&quot;Scale_Factor&quot;, 0.9999079],
PARAMETER[&quot;Latitude_Of_Origin&quot;, 52.15616055555555],
UNIT[&quot;Meter&quot;, 1.0]]"></FEATURECOORDSYS>

In the php logfile I find:
Projecting Envelope from  to init=epsg:28992

Thanks, Berend


Berend Veldkamp - ARIS

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