PHPMapscript using dynamic data

Arunoday Chatterjee arunoday_chatterjee at VSNL.NET
Mon Dec 27 00:50:41 EST 2004

I am creating a map with data like roads, cities, counties from already
created shape files. Now i want to display some locations on the map based
on their latitude and longitude. I've these stored in MySql db, i would
want to fetch it dynamically from the db each time the map is requested and
generated the points on the map. I tried to use a template and had 3 fields
viz. id, latitude, longitude in it. Then fetched the data from the db and
used processTemplate function and passed the above three values in an array
in a while loop into the processTemplate functions as it's signature
suggests. But it doesn't seems to be working, with MS_TRUE specified as the
last parameter it seems to hang and with the other option it doesn't show
I'm not sure if i'm using the right method.
Can anyone advice as to what method to resort to achieve the my objective
as described above, a small example in this regard would be of great help.
I searched the net for some example with the advanced php mapscript
functions but without any luck, there doesn't seem to be any good
documentation with example available on the net on this topic.
Any help in this regard would be very much appreciable.


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