Getting the ID of the object with user click

Arunoday Chatterjee arunoday_chatterjee at VSNL.NET
Tue Dec 28 01:48:34 PST 2004

Hi! All,

I've been able to create a dynamic layer using data from MySQL by creating
shape files on the fly. This sufficed my requirement that i posted

Now in this dynamic layer i'm plotting some points using a symbol. The dbf
file will have 3 fields vix. id,latitude,longitude. My requirement is to
obtain the id of the point in the map the user is clicking so that i can
use it for further processing like displaying some more data from the db
which can be fetched using the id.

Do i use template and then querybypoint or processtemplate - i tried but it
gives me an error stating invalid header etc..

Can anyone advice how do i achieve the above mentioned requirement of mine.


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