Timeout with REQUIRES

Abe Gillespie agillesp at VT.EDU
Wed Dec 29 11:36:55 PST 2004

Latest and greatest on all the major players: Linux, Mac OS 10, and
Windows (this bug occurs on all).  Probably not the smartest setup but
my dev machine is Mac, my server is Linux, and my clients use Windows.


On Dec 28, 2004, at 4:51 PM, Steve Lime wrote:

> What versions/platform are you using?
> Steve
>>>> Abe Gillespie <agillesp at vt.edu> 12/28/2004 4:06:07 PM >>>
> A couple of other tests that also didn't fix anything.
> Where REQUIRES "[Flood Zone]" works for the "Flood Elevation" layer it
> won't work for the "Buildings 0" layer.  I.e.:
>   NAME "Buildings 0"
>   DATA "bldg0"
>   TYPE polygon
>   MAXSCALE 15000
>    COLOR 168 168 168
>    OUTLINECOLOR 97 97 97
>   END
>   REQUIRES "[Flood Zone]"
> Renaming "Buildings" to "Foo" and then using REQUIRES "[Foo]" was
> fruitless.  These two tests seem to isolate the dependent layer as
> being the problem as opposed to the independent layer.
> -Abe
> On Dec 28, 2004, at 4:54 PM, Abe Gillespie wrote:
>> Comments are inline.
>> -Abe
>> On Dec 27, 2004, at 7:45 PM, Steve Lime wrote:
>>> Abe's right the single quote isn't a problem. The requires
> directive
>>> was
>>> mostly broken in 4.2 and probably 4.0. There were changes made in
>>> portions of the code that made requires basically useless. The
> problem
>>> was only found and fixed right before 4.4 was released.
>>> I don't see anything obvious but let's try a couple of things and
> see
>>> if
>>> they help.
>>> 1) You don't need ()'s nor equality tests. So
>>> REQUIRES "([Buildings] = 1)" should be REQUIRES "[Buildings]" and
>> Didn't change anything - still timing out.
>>> REQUIRES "([Flood Zone] = 1)" should be REQUIRES "[Flood Zone]"
>> Didn't change anything - continued to work w/o problems.
>>> 2) Try renaming "Buildings 0" to "Buildings_0". I'm thinking there
> may
>>> be an issue with some string comparisons someplace.
>> Didn't change anything - still timing out.
>>> Please try these one at a time and let me know how it goes.
>>> Steve
>>>>>> Abe Gillespie <agillesp at VT.EDU> 12/27/04 4:41 PM >>>
>>> Uh, no, that shouldn't be a problem.  If it was, the whole map file
>>> wouldn't parse correctly.  That single quote just adds a "feet"
>>> designation to the elevation measurement.  In fact, if I remove the
>>> "Buildings 0" layer completely, everything runs fine.
>>> -Abe
>>> On Dec 27, 2004, at 5:05 PM, Ethan Alpert wrote:
>>>> Look at the TEXT label for the Flood Elevation layer.
>>>> You're missing a '
>>>> I've had all kinds of problems before when I miss a " or '
>>>> -e
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: UMN MapServer Users List
>>>> On
>>>> Behalf Of Abe Gillespie
>>>> Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 3:22 PM
>>>> Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Timeout with REQUIRES
>>>> I have two layers that look like this:
>>>>   LAYER
>>>>    NAME "Flood Zone"
>>>>    STATUS ON
>>>>    DATA "flood_zo"
>>>>    TYPE polygon
>>>>    MAXSCALE 300000
>>>>    UNITS FEET
>>>>    CLASS
>>>>     COLOR 68 126 171
>>>>     OUTLINECOLOR 11 57 92
>>>>    END
>>>>    GROUP "Layers"
>>>>   END
>>>>   LAYER
>>>>    NAME "Flood Elevation"
>>>>    STATUS ON
>>>>    DATA "flood_el"
>>>>    TYPE line
>>>>    UNITS FEET
>>>>    MAXSCALE 20000
>>>>    CLASS
>>>>     COLOR 68 155 255
>>>>     TEXT ([ELEVATION]')
>>>>     LABEL
>>>>      FONT arial
>>>>      SIZE 8
>>>>      POSITION cc
>>>>      COLOR 0 0 0
>>>>      ANGLE auto
>>>>     END
>>>>    END
>>>>    REQUIRES "([Flood Zone] = 1)"
>>>>   END
>>>> Notice the "REQUIRES" tag.  These two layers cause no problems.
>>>> However,
>>>> I also have these two layers further in the map file:
>>>>   LAYER
>>>>    NAME "Buildings"
>>>>    STATUS ON
>>>>    DATA "bldg1"
>>>>    TYPE polygon
>>>>    MAXSCALE 15000
>>>>    UNITS FEET
>>>>    LABELCACHE on
>>>>    LABELMAXSCALE 6000
>>>>    CLASS
>>>>     COLOR 220 149 146
>>>>     OUTLINECOLOR 190 95 96
>>>>     LABEL
>>>>      TYPE truetype
>>>>      FONT arial
>>>>      ANTIALIAS true
>>>>      ANGLE auto
>>>>      POSITION cc
>>>>      COLOR 0 0 0
>>>>         OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255
>>>>      BUFFER 3
>>>>      SIZE 8
>>>>     END
>>>>    END
>>>>    TOLERANCE 3
>>>>    TEMPLATE "x"
>>>>    METADATA
>>>>     search_field "FULLADDR"
>>>>     search_fields "FULLADDR"
>>>>     search_aliases "Address"
>>>>    END
>>>>    GROUP "Layers"
>>>>   END
>>>>   LAYER
>>>>    NAME "Buildings 0"
>>>>    STATUS ON
>>>>    DATA "bldg0"
>>>>    TYPE polygon
>>>>    MAXSCALE 15000
>>>>    UNITS FEET
>>>>    CLASS
>>>>     COLOR 168 168 168
>>>>     OUTLINECOLOR 97 97 97
>>>>    END
>>>>    REQUIRES "([Buildings] = 1)"
>>>>   END
>>>> With the "Buildings 0" layer, if I include the "REQUIRES" tag
>>> MapServer
>>>> will timeout.  If I remove the "REQUIRES" tag everything runs
>>> smoothly.
>>>>   I'm using PHP Mapscript 4.4.1.  Before I upgraded (I think it
> was
>>>> Mapscript 4.0) this worked fine.  So something has changed between
>>> then
>>>> and now with the "REQUIRES" algorithm.
>>>> Any ideas?
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> -Abe

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