wrong img extent coordinates after draw() method (mapscript)
Christian Sengstock
sengc at WEB.DE
Tue Dec 28 04:33:39 PST 2004
Ive got a problem with the image extent of my mapscript map object. It is
changed during the method "mapobject->draw()" and i cant see why!
The class "mymap" is initialized with a map filename and the four image
extent coordinates and should draw the mapimage with the methods ...
- (Constructor)
$mapobject = new mymap($mapfilename, -100, -50, 0, 50);
- (mapobject extent is set to the image extent coordinates)
- (get image handle and image url)
- (write html img link to html page)
That´s my source ...
$mapfilename = "./sam.map";
class mymap {
var $pageMap;
var $ExtRect;
var $imgUrl;
function mymap ($filename, $minx, $miny, $maxx, $maxy) {
$this->pageMap = ms_newMapObj($filename);
$this->extoutp($this->pageMap->extent, "pageMap");
$this->ExtRect = ms_newRectObj();
$this->ExtRect->setextent($minx, $miny, $maxx, $maxy);
$this->extoutp($this->ExtRect, "ExtRect");
function setext () {
$this->pageMap->extent = $this->ExtRect;
$this->extoutp($this->pageMap->extent, "PageMap after setext");
function drawmap() {
$this->extoutp($this->pageMap->extent, "PageMap before drawmap");
$this->imgUrl = $image->saveWebImage();
$this->extoutp($this->pageMap->extent, "PageMap after drawmap");
function htmloutput () {
echo "<img src=\"$this->imgUrl\">";
function extoutp($rectangle, $str) {
$mix = $rectangle->minx;
$miy = $rectangle->miny;
$max = $rectangle->maxx;
$may = $rectangle->maxy;
echo "<p>$str data: $mix, $miy, $max, $may</p>";
$mA = new mymap($mapfilename, -100, -50, 0, 50);
and that´s my output ...
pageMap data: -180, -90, 180, 90 /* init ext from mapfile *(
ExtRect data: -100, -50, 0, 50 /* generated rectangle from given coord */
PageMap after setext data: -100, -50, 0, 50 /* set mapobject OK */
PageMap before drawmap data: -100, -50, 0, 50 /* OK before draw */
PageMap after drawmap data: -180, -144, 180, 144 /* <-- weird transform */
Thanks for any help, Chris
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