[Mapserver-users] getShape() with SDE and PostGIS

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at dmsolutions.ca
Wed Feb 4 10:57:44 PST 2004

Ellis Robin (Bundaberg) wrote:
> I'm using PHP mapscript with version 3.6.3 of Mapserver. Using the following mapscript I can successfully return the extent of a polygon from a PostGIS layer, however I can't repeat the success with a similar SDE layer.
> 	$zoomdcdblayer->queryByAttributes(MS_MULTIPLE);	
> 	$thenum_results = $zoomdcdblayer->getNumResults();
> 	for ($i=0;$i < $thenum_results; $i++) {	
> 		$result = $zoomdcdblayer->getResult($i);			
> 		$zoomdcdblayer->open("test");
> 		$rvshape = $zoomdcdblayer->getShape($result->{tileindex}, $result->{shapeindex});
> 		$shpbnd = $rvshape->bounds;	
> 		print_r($shpbnd);
> 		$zoomdcdblayer->close();
> 	}
>>From my PostGIS layer I get this 'shpbnd' output:
> rect Object ( [_handle_] => Resource id #23 [minx] => 152.226563 [miny] => -25.004187 [maxx] => 152.234491 [maxy] => -24.997927 )
> But from my SDE layer I get this:
> rect Object ( [_handle_] => Resource id #18 [minx] => -1 [miny] => -1 [maxx] => -1 [maxy] => -1 )

It seems that the bound of the shapeObj were not set by the SDE driver, 
and according to CVS logs this would have been fixed in V 4.0:

revision 1.59
date: 2003/01/22 18:20:09;  author: sdlime;  state: Exp;  lines: +8 -0
Fixed SDE code to properly set the bounds of a shape.

So you will have to upgrade to get that fix, unless you want to patch 
your local copy of the source (see the diff output below).

  Daniel Morissette               dmorissette at dmsolutions.ca
  DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/

$ cvs diff -u -r 1.58 -r 1.59 mapsde.c
Index: mapsde.c
RCS file: /data2/cvsroot/mapserver/mapsde.c,v
retrieving revision 1.58
retrieving revision 1.59
diff -u -r1.58 -r1.59
--- mapsde.c    21 Jan 2003 23:41:21 -0000      1.58
+++ mapsde.c    22 Jan 2003 18:20:09 -0000      1.59
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
    long numparts, numsubparts, numpoints;
    long *subparts=NULL;
    SE_POINT *points=NULL;
+  SE_ENVELOPE envelope;
    long type, status;

    lineObj line={0,NULL};
@@ -121,6 +122,13 @@

+  // finally copy the bounding box for the entire shape
+  SE_shape_get_extent(inshp, 0, &envelope);
+  outshp->bounds.minx = envelope.minx;
+  outshp->bounds.miny = envelope.miny;
+  outshp->bounds.maxx = envelope.maxx;
+  outshp->bounds.maxy = envelope.maxy;


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