February 2004 Archives by subject
Starting: Sun Feb 1 15:09:32 PST 2004
Ending: Sun Feb 29 22:46:55 PST 2004
Messages: 801
- [Fwd: Re: [Mapserver-users] erro : TIFFMergeFieldInfo]
Daniel Morissette
- [Fwd: Re: [Mapserver-users] erro : TIFFMergeFieldInfo]
Frank Warmerdam
- [Fwd: Re: [Mapserver-users] erro : TIFFMergeFieldInfo]
- [Mapserver-users] "nquery" mode
Gleiner Crivelini
- [Mapserver-users] (no subject)
Gregorio Greco
- [Mapserver-users] (no subject)
Jeff McKenna
- [Mapserver-users] 24bit Raster Image
J. Delfos
- [Mapserver-users] 24bit Raster Image
Richie Pierce
- [Mapserver-users] 24bit Raster Image
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] 24bit Raster Image
Pericles Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] 4.1 nightly build error: was Mouse-over
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] addColor error in PHP/MapScript
Rene Teniere
- [Mapserver-users] addColor error in PHP/MapScript
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Adding points to an existing point type shape file
Mike Reilly
- [Mapserver-users] Add polygon to shapefile
Guillaume MOCCAND
- [Mapserver-users] A Legend question and a Scale question
Richie Pierce
- [Mapserver-users] A Legend question and a Scale question
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] altering $layer->{symbolscale} before draw()
Nikolai Vladychevski
- [Mapserver-users] altering $layer->{symbolscale} before draw()
Sean Gillies
- [Mapserver-users] ANN: MapScript for Ruby
Pirmin Kalberer
- [Mapserver-users] ANN: MapScript for Ruby
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] ANN: MapScript for Ruby
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] ANN: MapScript for Ruby
Sean Gillies
- [Mapserver-users] ANN: MapScript for Ruby
Pirmin Kalberer
- [Mapserver-users] ANN: MapScript for Ruby
Sean Gillies
- [Mapserver-users] ANN: MapScript for Ruby
Kari Geurts
- [Mapserver-users] Annotation setExpression() problem
Rene Teniere
- [Mapserver-users] Annotation setExpression() problem
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] Annotation setExpression() problem
Rene Teniere
- [Mapserver-users] Annotation setExpression() problem
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] Annotation setExpression() problem
Rene Teniere
- [Mapserver-users] Annotation setExpression() problem
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] Annotation setExpression() problem
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Annotation setExpression() problem
Rene Teniere
- [Mapserver-users] Annotation setExpression() problem
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] ANNOUNCE: Second Annual MapServer User Meeting
Dave McIlhagga
- [Mapserver-users] A Question about Mapserver!
Loo - D
- [Mapserver-users] A Question about Mapserver!
Loo - D
- [Mapserver-users] area Calculation in polygon-shapes
Margaritha Vogt
- [Mapserver-users] area Calculation in polygon-shapes
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] area Calculation in polygon-shapes
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] area Calculation in polygon-shapes
Stepan Kafka
- [Mapserver-users] area Calculation in polygon-shapes
Norman Vine
- [Mapserver-users] area Calculation in polygon-shapes
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] asymmetric lines
youssef chamoun
- [Mapserver-users] asymmetric lines
Stepan Kafka
- [Mapserver-users] asymmetric lines
youssef chamoun
- [Mapserver-users] asymmetric lines
Stepan Kafka
- [Mapserver-users] asymmetric lines
youssef chamoun
- [Mapserver-users] asymmetric lines
Stepan Kafka
- [Mapserver-users] asymmetric lines
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] asymmetric lines
Stepan Kafka
- [Mapserver-users] asymmetric lines
youssef chamoun
- [Mapserver-users] attribute query against many fields
- [Mapserver-users] Australian Setup for MapServer
dabner at optusnet.com.au
- [Mapserver-users] Australian Setup for MapServer
Balkanu GIS
- [Mapserver-users] Australian Setup for MapServer
Nick Dabner
- [Mapserver-users] Australian Setup for MapServer
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [Mapserver-users] Batch raster to ecw
Richie Pierce
- [Mapserver-users] Batch raster to ecw
J. Delfos
- [Mapserver-users] Batch raster to ecw
Wim Blanken PI
- [Mapserver-users] Batch raster to ecw
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] bizarre raster output
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] bizarre raster output
Pericles Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] bml files
david roguin
- [Mapserver-users] Bread and Butter
scoota at supanet.com
- [Mapserver-users] Bread and Butter
Eduardo Spremolla
- [Mapserver-users] CAD like line styles
Vojtech Honzik
- [Mapserver-users] CAD like line styles
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] Can a calculation be done in a MAP template?
- [Mapserver-users] Can binary release of MapServer 4.0 for Windows able to manage ECW raster files?
Mario Servin
- [Mapserver-users] Can binary release of MapServer 4.0 for Windows able to manage ECW raster files?
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] Can binary release of MapServer 4.0 for Windows able to manage ECW raster files?
Pericles Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] Can binary release of MapServer 4.0 for Windows able to manage ECW raster files?
Stephen Clark
- [Mapserver-users] Can binary release of MapServer 4.0 for Windows able to manage ECW raster files?
Mario Servin
- [Mapserver-users] Cannot open shared object
Abram Gillespie
- [Mapserver-users] Center mark on map
John Rubin
- [Mapserver-users] Changing inline features with CGI parameters
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] Changing inline features with CGI parameters
Wim Blanken PI
- [Mapserver-users] Changing inline features with CGI parameters
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] Changing inline features with CGI parameters
J. Delfos
- [Mapserver-users] Changing inline features with CGI parameters
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] Changing PostGIS connection string on the fly
David Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] Changing PostGIS connection string on the fly
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] Chaning output projection on request.
Jason M. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] Chaning output projection on request.
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Chaning output projection on request.
Martin Weinelt
- [Mapserver-users] classifications on the fly
Bart van den Eijnden
- [Mapserver-users] classifications on the fly
Vladimir Guzmán
- [Mapserver-users] classifications on the fly
Sean Gillies
- [Mapserver-users] Color changing
Нефедьев А.С.
- [Mapserver-users] compile problem, mapserver 4.0.1, gd 2.022, 2.0.17
Robert W. Burgholzer
- [Mapserver-users] Compiling mapserver on Windows
Merlijn Simonse
- [Mapserver-users] Compiling mapserver on Windows
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Compiling mapserver on Windows
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] Compiling Ming on Solaris 8 (Sparc)
Ray Ward
- [Mapserver-users] Compiling PHP MapScript on Solaris 9
Don Wolski
- [Mapserver-users] compiling regex
Merlijn Simonse
- [Mapserver-users] concatenate 2 or more fields in shape file to display in MS as label
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] concatenate 2 or more fields in shape file to display in MS as label
Stephen Clark
- [Mapserver-users] concatenate 2 or more fields in shapefile to display in MS as label
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] concatenate 2 or more fields in shapefile to display in MS as label
Stephen Clark
- [Mapserver-users] concatenate 2 or more fields inshapefile to display in MS as label
Stephen Clark
- [Mapserver-users] concatenate 2 or more fields inshapefile to display in MS as label
Stephen Clark
- [Mapserver-users] Configure - help
Keith Campbell
- [Mapserver-users] Configure - help
Frank Koormann
- [Mapserver-users] Configure - help
Keith Campbell
- [Mapserver-users] Cursor error in postgis when querying Map
Morgan.Guerin at space.alcatel.fr
- [Mapserver-users] dBox, Rosa, Macs, mapscript
Liz Godwin
- [Mapserver-users] dBox, Rosa, Macs, mapscript
Zak James
- [Mapserver-users] dBox, Rosa, Macs, mapscript
Liz Godwin
- [Mapserver-users] dBox, Rosa, Macs, mapscript
Zak James
- [Mapserver-users] Dbox user error or code correction?
Jason M. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] Dbox user error or code correction?
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Displaying WFS data from a GeoServer/OracleSpatial server
Jeff McKenna
- [Mapserver-users] Displaying WFS data from a GeoServer/Oracle Spatial server
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- [Mapserver-users] Displaying WFS data from a GeoServer/OracleSpatial server
Bart van den Eijnden
- [Mapserver-users] Displaying WFS data from a GeoServer/OracleSpatial server
Jeff McKenna
- [Mapserver-users] Displaying x-y Datasets using PHP/Mapscript
Jan Vietmeier
- [Mapserver-users] Displaying x-y Datasets using PHP/Mapscript
Zak James
- [Mapserver-users] Displaying x-y Datasets using PHP/Mapscript
Frieso ter Haseborg
- [Mapserver-users] Displaying x-y Datasets using PHP/Mapscript
Jan Vietmeier
- [Mapserver-users] Displaying x-y Datasets using PHP/Mapscript
Normand Savard
- [Mapserver-users] Displaying x-y Datasets using PHP/Mapscript
Paul Spencer
- AW: [Mapserver-users] Displaying x-y Datasets using PHP/Mapscript
Jan Vietmeier
- AW: [Mapserver-users] Displaying x-y Datasets using PHP/Mapscript
Normand Savard
- AW: AW: [Mapserver-users] Displaying x-y Datasets using PHP/Mapscript
Jan Vietmeier
- AW: AW: [Mapserver-users] Displaying x-y Datasets using PHP/Mapscript
Zak James
- AW: AW: AW: [Mapserver-users] Displaying x-y Datasets using PHP/Mapscript
Jan Vietmeier
- AW: AW: AW: [Mapserver-users] Displaying x-y Datasets using PHP/Mapscript
bartvde at xs4all.nl
- [Mapserver-users] Display point layer with symbols
Stefan Schwarzer
- [Mapserver-users] Display point layer with symbols
Michael Schulz
- AW: [Mapserver-users] Display point layer with symbols
Christina Biakowski
- [Mapserver-users] Distorted character
Ballini Yvain
- [Mapserver-users] Drawing lines only once
David Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] Drawing lines only once
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Drawing lines only once
Norman Vine
- [Mapserver-users] dual embedded scale bar??
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] Dynamic creation of shapefiles ...
Murilo Lacerda Yoshida
- [Mapserver-users] Dynamic creation of shapefiles ...
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] Editing maps
Juraj Cenek
- [Mapserver-users] Empty image with Oracle Spatial (polygons and lines)
arie van Halem
- [Mapserver-users] Empty image with Oracle Spatial (polygons and lines)
nicolas.fortin at ec.gc.ca
- [Mapserver-users] Empty Map with Oracle spatial
Henrik Wilsdorf
- [Mapserver-users] Empty Map with Oracle spatial
nicolas.fortin at ec.gc.ca
- [Mapserver-users] Empty Map with Oracle spatial
Fernando S.
- [Mapserver-users] Empty Map with Oracle spatial - SDO_GTYPE
François-Xavier Prunayre
- [Mapserver-users] Empty Map with Oracle spatial - SDO_GTYPE
Henrik Wilsdorf
- [Mapserver-users] endcaps on linesegments
huub fleuren
- [Mapserver-users] erro : TIFFMergeFieldInfo
Marcela Leite
- [Mapserver-users] erro : TIFFMergeFieldInfo
Marcela Leite
- [Mapserver-users] erro : TIFFMergeFieldInfo
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] erro : TIFFMergeFieldInfo
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Error in example 2.1 of mapserver tutorial
- [Mapserver-users] Error in TIGER to shp conversion !!!!
Dharani Babu
- [Mapserver-users] Error in TIGER to shp conversion !!!!
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Error parsing MapInfo TAB file
Balkanu GIS
- [Mapserver-users] europa projection
Murat Isik
- [Mapserver-users] File is damaged.
keon at nacse.org
- [Mapserver-users] Finding Features
Gianluigi Nozza
- [Mapserver-users] Finding WMS layers on the internet.
- [Mapserver-users] Finding WMS layers on the internet.
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- [Mapserver-users] Finding WMS layers on the internet.
Eric Sokolowsky
- [Mapserver-users] followup
Landmark Geographic Solutions
- [Mapserver-users] followup
Dylan Keon
- [Mapserver-users] followup
Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- [Mapserver-users] FW: Itemquery
David.Beard at ga.gov.au
- [Mapserver-users] Generate map file from shape file
mountainduo at mho.com
- [Mapserver-users] Generate map file from shape file
Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- [Mapserver-users] GeoTIFF Summary
Rolf Becker
- [Mapserver-users] GeoTIFF Summary
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] GetFeature Request problem
daryljharrison at netscape.net
- [Mapserver-users] getShape() with SDE and PostGIS
Ellis Robin Bundaberg
- [Mapserver-users] getShape() with SDE and PostGIS
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Getting Mapserver to work
- [Mapserver-users] HELLO
dblasby at refractions.net
- [Mapserver-users] help
Hang Sun
- [Mapserver-users] help
Dylan Keon
- [Mapserver-users] Help with TIGER+ MAP file !!!!
Dharani Babu
- [Mapserver-users] Hidden Layer
Guillaume MOCCAND
- [Mapserver-users] Hidden Layer
Stephen Clark
- [Mapserver-users] History of Mapserver
Sebastian Albrecht
- [Mapserver-users] History of Mapserver
bartvde at xs4all.nl
- [Mapserver-users] History of Mapserver
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] History of Mapserver
Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- [Mapserver-users] How draw labels of street in the map?
Ezequiel Bertone
- [Mapserver-users] How draw labels of street in the map?
Pericles Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] How I find a street that cross another using cgi querystring?
Mario Servin
- [Mapserver-users] How to Install Mapserver on Debian woody?
Andreas Delleske
- [Mapserver-users] How to Install Mapserver on Debian woody?
Bart van den Eijnden
- [Mapserver-users] How to Install Mapserver on Debian woody?
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] How to use mapserver to cascade arcims wms services
Larry Nolan
- [Mapserver-users] How to use mapserver to cascade arcims wms services
Bart van den Eijnden
- [Mapserver-users] How to use mapserver to cascade arcims wms services
Larry Nolan
- [Mapserver-users] How to use mapserver to cascade arcims wms services
Bart van den Eijnden
- [Mapserver-users] How to use mapserver to cascade arcims wms services
Larry Nolan
- [Mapserver-users] How to use mapserver to cascade arcims wms services
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] How to use mapserver to cascade arcims wms services
Bart van den Eijnden
- [Mapserver-users] how to use projection object with php mapscript
Stephen Clark
- [Mapserver-users] I: Option ANGLE AUTO
Ballini Yvain
- [Mapserver-users] ID eltglq... thanks
steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
- [Mapserver-users] I have some landsat 7 data that I want to tile : overlap + transparency
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] I have some landsat 7 data that I want to tile : overlap + transparency
Stephen Clark
- [Mapserver-users] I have some landsat 7 data that I want to tile : overlap + transparency
Stephen Clark
- [Mapserver-users] I have some landsat 7 data that I want to tile : overlap + transparency
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] I have some landsat 7 data that I want to tile : overlap + transparency
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] I have some landsat 7 data that I want to tile : overlap + transparency
Stephen Clark
- [Mapserver-users] I have some landsat 7 data that I want to tile : overlap + transparency
Stephen Clark
- [Mapserver-users] I have some landsat 7 data that I want to tile : overlap + transparency
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] I have some landsat 7 data that I want to tile : overlap + transparency
J. Delfos
- [Mapserver-users] Imagemap from shapefile?
Dave Walton
- [Mapserver-users] Imagemap from shapefile?
Pericles S. Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] Imagemap from shapefile?
Dave Walton
- [Mapserver-users] Imagemap from shapefile? {Scanned}
Siki Zoltan
- [Mapserver-users] Images in the Template File
M. Beth Wilkerson
- [Mapserver-users] Images in the Template File
David Fawcett
- [Mapserver-users] Images in the Template File
Howard Mark
- [Mapserver-users] Images in the Template File
Martin, Daniel A
- [Mapserver-users] Inline features
Vojtech Honzik
- [Mapserver-users] integrating HTML Legends with dbox/javascript landview framework
Emilio Mayorga
- [Mapserver-users] integrating HTML Legends with dbox/javascript landview framework
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] integrating HTML Legends with dbox/javascript landview framework
Emilio Mayorga
- [Mapserver-users] Java and Mapscript/Compiling map server
mountainduo at mho.com
- [Mapserver-users] java dynamic layer creation
Grant Marblestone
- [Mapserver-users] JavaMappScript and addLayer..
rattolan at tiscali.it
- [Mapserver-users] JavaMapScript and addLayer..
rattolan at tiscali.it
- [Mapserver-users] JavaMapscript zoom crash..
rattolan at tiscali.it
- [Mapserver-users] jBox - form not submitting??
Steve McCrone
- [Mapserver-users] jBox applet - setimage
Ryan, Adam
- [Mapserver-users] jBox applet and setImage method
Kristjan Annus
- [Mapserver-users] jBox error - classnotfoundexception
Beth Fucile
- [Mapserver-users] jBox error - classnotfoundexception
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] jpeg resolution
Guy Paterson
- [Mapserver-users] Label Angle Property
- [Mapserver-users] Label Angle Property
J. Delfos
- [Mapserver-users] Label angle property not working
- [Mapserver-users] Labeling with Chinese GB2312 Characters
Wan Xiangqian
- [Mapserver-users] Labeling with Chinese GB2312 Characters
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Label Object Force Bug ? ms4.1 cgi
John Rubin
- [Mapserver-users] Label Object Force Bug ? ms4.1 cgi
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Layers added but not displayed !!!
Dharani Babu
- [Mapserver-users] Layers added but not displayed !!!
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] Layers added but not displayed !!!
Dharani Babu
- [Mapserver-users] List as a forum
Giorgio Plazzotta
- [Mapserver-users] List as a forum
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] List as Forum??
Liz Godwin
- [Mapserver-users] List as Forum??
Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- [Mapserver-users] List as Forum??
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] List as Forum??
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] List as Forum??
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] List as Forum??
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] List as Forum??
Gerry Creager
- [Mapserver-users] List as Forum??
Liz Godwin
- [Mapserver-users] List as Forum??
Vladimir Guzmán
- [Mapserver-users] List as Forum??
Thomas E Burk
- [Mapserver-users] listing field names of my $oShape->values; (Because it's Friday???)
Denis Lalonde
- [Mapserver-users] listing field names of my $oShape->values; (Because it's Friday???)
FX Gamoy
- [Mapserver-users] listing field names of my $oShape->values; (Because it's Friday???)
Dylan Keon
- [Mapserver-users] Looking for working IMGSHAPE/MAPSHAPE sample
Emil Zegers
- [Mapserver-users] Mail Delivery System
steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
- [Mapserver-users] MapInfo nad Shapefile Example
Howard Yen
- [Mapserver-users] Maplab problem: blank map in ROSA Applet
Gilles Sodatonou
- [Mapserver-users] Map Layers do not appear
Nick Sanders
- [Mapserver-users] Map Layers do not appear
J. Delfos
- [Mapserver-users] Maplet is not working in windows explorer
david roguin
- [Mapserver-users] Maplet is not working in windows explorer
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript
Jose Maria Michia
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript
Sean Gillies
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript, Debian & Server Error
Vincenzo Patruno
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript, Debian & Server Error
Humberto Cereser Ibanez
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript, Debian & Server Error
Vincenzo Patruno
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript, Debian & Server Error
Humberto Cereser Ibanez
- [Mapserver-users] MapScript: Draw() vs DrawQuery() methods...
Denis Lalonde
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript : extent of a raster layer?
Thevenon Fabrice
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript and Java
mountainduo at mho.com
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript and Java
Sean Gillies
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript and Java
mountainduo at mho.com
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript and Java
Sean Gillies
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript and Java
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript and Java
mountainduo at mho.com
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript and Java
Frank Rittinger
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript and Java
mountainduo at mho.com
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript and Java
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript and Java
mountainduo at mho.com
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript causes core dump on Solaris
Carsten Heidmann
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript causes core dump on Solaris
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript causes core dump on Solaris
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript doesn't write map file in expected order!
Xiaoyuan Geng
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript doesn't write map file in expected order!
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript doesn't write map file in expected order!
Xiaoyuan Geng
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript doesn't write map file in expecte d order!
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript doesn't write map file in expecte d order!
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript doesn't write map file in expected order!
Vladimir Guzmán
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript doesn't write map file in expected order!
Xiaoyuan Geng
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript doesn't write map file in expected order!
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript doesn't write map file in expectedorder!
Xiaoyuan Geng
- [Mapserver-users] MapScript Installation Problem
Thomas Lynen
- [Mapserver-users] MapScript Installation Problem
Paul Spencer
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript Java Interface - Compiling error
Jose Maria Michia
- [Mapserver-users] MapScript query
Hofferek Attila
- [Mapserver-users] MapScript query
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver - Oracle through OGR
bartvde at xs4all.nl
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver - Oracle through OGR
Vladimir Guzmán
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver - Oracle through OGR
Zak James
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver - Oracle through OGR
Bart van den Eijnden
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver - Oracle through OGR
Vladimir Guzmán
- [Mapserver-users] mapserver - PHP/mapscript question
Alexandre Vicq
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver 1rst install : can't display raster layer
Tony Jolibois
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer 3.6 WMS not calculating LatLonBoundingBox
Van Ulden, Joost
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer 3.6 WMS not calculating LatLonBoundingBox
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer 4.0 Tutorial problems
mapserver at digger.net
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer 4.0 Tutorial problems
Pericles Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver 4.1 (dev) and SVG output problem
yuth hor
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver 4.1 (dev) and SVG output problem
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver and Postgres7.4.1/PostGIS 0.8.1
Düster Horst
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver and Postgres7.4.1/PostGIS 0.8.1 Part 1
Düster Horst
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver and Postgres7.4.1/PostGIS 0.8.1 Part 1
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver and Postgres7.4.1/PostGIS 0.8.1 Part 2
Düster Horst
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer Bug - Tiled Rasters
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver compiled and source download
mountainduo at mho.com
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver compiled and source download
Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver compiled and source download
mountainduo at mho.com
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver compiled and source download
Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver compiled and source download
mountainduo at mho.com
- [Mapserver-users] Map Server compile problem
E Wright
- [Mapserver-users] Map Server compile problem
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Map Server compile problem
Eric Wright
- [Mapserver-users] Map Server compile problem
Eric Wright
- [Mapserver-users] MAp server dont show the images (png)
david roguin
- [Mapserver-users] MAp server dont show the images (png)
Pericles Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver extension for Shift_JIS/Big-5 fonts
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver extension for Shift_JIS/Big-5 fonts
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver extension for Shift_JIS/Big-5 fonts
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver hardware recomendations.
Jason M. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver hardware recomendations.
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer ImageMap feature
Dave Astolfo
- [Mapserver-users] mapserver logo
Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- [Mapserver-users] mapserver logo
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] mapserver logo
Thomas E Burk
- [Mapserver-users] mapserver nightly bulid compile problem
Aaron D. Hunt
- [Mapserver-users] mapserver nightly bulid compile problem
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] mapserver nightly bulid compile problem
Aaron D. Hunt
- [Mapserver-users] mapserver nightly bulid compile problem
Sean Gillies
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer query fetaures example
Mario Servin
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver Technical Specs
Martin Lacayo-Emery
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver Technical Specs
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver Technical Specs
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer Tutorial 4.0 Example 1.4 no image
Carol L Heydon
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer Tutorial 4.0 Example 1.4 no image
Pericles Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver WFS performance
Bart van den Eijnden
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver WFS performance
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver WFS performance
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver WFS performance
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver WFS performance
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver WFS performance
Bart van den Eijnden
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver WFS performance
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] mapserver with gdal: compile error
Schnider Markus
- [Mapserver-users] mapserver with gdal: compile error
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] mapswf.c extent problem
- [Mapserver-users] mapswf.c extent problem
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] Max number of layers craps out at about 295
Stephen Clark
- [Mapserver-users] Max number of layers craps out at about 295
Pericles S. Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] Max number of layers craps out at about 295
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Max number of layers craps out at about 295
Stephen Clark
- [Mapserver-users] Max number of layers craps out at about 295
Stephen Clark
- [Mapserver-users] Max number of layers craps out at about 295
Pericles S. Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] Max number of layers craps out at about 295
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Max number of layers craps out at about 295
Stephen Clark
- [Mapserver-users] MAXSCALE MINSCALE
Mills, Daniel
- [Mapserver-users] MAXSCALE MINSCALE
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Min/Max Extents
Nick Sanders
- [Mapserver-users] Modifyinig option ANGLE AUTO
Ballini Yvain
- [Mapserver-users] Mouse Over
Alexander Pucher
- [Mapserver-users] Mouse Over
Bart van den Eijnden
- [Mapserver-users] Mouse Over
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Mouse Over
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] Mouse Over
Alexander Pucher
- [Mapserver-users] Mouse Over
Attila Csipa
- [Mapserver-users] Mouse Over
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Mouse Over
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Mouse Over
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Mouse Over
Smith, Michael ERDC-CRREL-NH
- [Mapserver-users] Mouse Over
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Mouse Over
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] Mouse Over (Attn Steve Lime)
Dave Astolfo
- [Mapserver-users] Mouse Over (Attn Steve Lime)
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] Mpascript php: Using Query results in php
Sajith VK
- [Mapserver-users] Mr. Sid Files
Michael Smith
- [Mapserver-users] Mr. Sid Files
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] Mr. Sid Files
Stephen Clark
- [Mapserver-users] ms_newclassObj
robert fritz
- [Mapserver-users] msOracleSpatialLayerGetShape()
Merlijn Simonse
- [Mapserver-users] msOracleSpatialLayerGetShape()
Wim Blanken PI
- [Mapserver-users] Multiple field query in PHP/Mapscript
Pedro A. Carrasco Ponce
- [Mapserver-users] Multiple field query in PHP/Mapscript
Nicol Hermann
- [Mapserver-users] Multiple field query in PHP/Mapscript
Pedro A. Carrasco Ponce
- [Mapserver-users] Multiple field query in PHP/Mapscript
Pedro A. Carrasco Ponce
- [Mapserver-users] Multiple Layer Itemqueries?
David Fawcett
- [Mapserver-users] Multiple Layer Itemqueries?
David Fawcett
- [Mapserver-users] multiple queries, hilite in different color
Nikolai Vladychevski
- [Mapserver-users] multiple queries, hilite in different color
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] MySQL joins
Attila Csipa
- [Mapserver-users] MySQL joins
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] MySQL joins
Attila Csipa
- [Mapserver-users] MySQL joins
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] mysql layers cant be drawn
Murat Isik
- [Mapserver-users] need help on use mysql with mapserver
Litao Wei
- [Mapserver-users] need help on use mysql with mapserver
Attila Csipa
- [Mapserver-users] Nested Layers and AVL legend files
- [Mapserver-users] Newbie needs help with simple raster mapserver
Michael Darweesh
- [Mapserver-users] Newbie needs help with simple raster mapserver
Pericles S. Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] New to Mapping and Mapserver
Howard Yen
- [Mapserver-users] New to Mapping and Mapserver
Howard Yen
- [Mapserver-users] New to Mapping and Mapserver
Zak James
- [Mapserver-users] New to Mapserver
Dan Phillips
- [Mapserver-users] new to mapserver - installation help
arun at activeengineer.com
- [Mapserver-users] new to mapserver - installation help
Michael Darweesh
- [Mapserver-users] new to mapserver - installation help
arun at activeengineer.com
- [Mapserver-users] new to mapserver - installation help
Michael Darweesh
- [Mapserver-users] new to mapserver - installation help
arun at activeengineer.com
- [Mapserver-users] new to mapserver - installation help
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [Mapserver-users] new to mapserver - installation help
Till Adams
- [Mapserver-users] New to the game.
Landmark Geographic Solutions
- [Mapserver-users] OGR & GML
Van Ulden, Joost
- [Mapserver-users] OGR & GML
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] OGR & GML
Van Ulden, Joost
- [Mapserver-users] OGR not found in system libs...
Ray Ward
- [Mapserver-users] OGR not found in system libs...
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] OGR not found in system libs...
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] OGR not found in system libs...
Ray Ward
- [Mapserver-users] OGR not found in system libs...
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] OGR not found in system libs...
Ray Ward
- [Mapserver-users] OGR unable to access datasource
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] Option ANGLE AUTO
Ballini Yvain
- [Mapserver-users] Oracle 9i SC
Cardilli Jose Luis
- [Mapserver-users] Oracle 9i SC
bartvde at xs4all.nl
- [Mapserver-users] Oracle layer - labelling, querying and ORA spatial index problems
Martin Tomko
- [Mapserver-users] Oracle layer - labelling, querying and ORA spatial index problems
bartvde at xs4all.nl
- [Mapserver-users] Oracle Spatial extents
Vladimir Guzmán
- [Mapserver-users] Oracle Spatial extents
Vladimir Guzmán
- [Mapserver-users] Oracle Spatial extents
Vladimir Guzmán
- [Mapserver-users] Oracle Spatial extents
Vladimir Guzmán
- [Mapserver-users] Oracle Spatial extents
Fernando S.
- [Mapserver-users] Oracle Spatial extents
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Oracle Spatial extents
Vladimir Guzmán
- [Mapserver-users] Oracle Spatial extents
Vladimir Guzmán
- [Mapserver-users] Oracle Spatial extents
Vladimir Guzmán
- [Mapserver-users] Oracle Spatial extents
Dimeo, Christopher
- [Mapserver-users] Oracle Spatial extents
Fernando S.
- [Mapserver-users] Oracle Spatial layer error - content not complete
Martin Tomko
- [Mapserver-users] Outlinecolor of a MS_LAYER_LINE Type
Nicol Hermann
- [Mapserver-users] Outlinecolor of a MS_LAYER_LINE Type
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] Outlinecolor of a MS_LAYER_LINE Type
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Outlinecolor of a MS_LAYER_LINE Type
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] Outlinecolor of a MS_LAYER_LINE Type
Nicol Hermann
- [Mapserver-users] Out of office autoreply
mh at svaj.dk
- [Mapserver-users] Out of office autoreply
mh at svaj.dk
- [Mapserver-users] Out of office autoreply
mh at svaj.dk
- [Mapserver-users] Out of office autoreply
mh at svaj.dk
- [Mapserver-users] Perl/Python/Ruby mapscript development documentation
Sean Gillies
- [Mapserver-users] Perl/Python/Ruby mapscript development documentation
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] Perl/Python/Ruby mapscript development documentation
Sean Gillies
- [Mapserver-users] Perl/Python/Ruby mapscript development documentation
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] Perl/Python/Ruby mapscript development documentation
Sean Gillies
- [Mapserver-users] Perl Mapscript WMS and WFS
Miller Joseph
- [Mapserver-users] Perl Mapscript WMS and WFS
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Perl Mapscript WMS and WFS
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] Perl Mapscript WMS and WFS
Norman Vine
- [Mapserver-users] pgojection & swf & multiple character set support question
Litao Wei
- [Mapserver-users] pgojection & swf & multiple character set support question
Pericles S. Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] php5
Vladimir Guzmán
- [Mapserver-users] php5
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] php clone() doesn't cut it
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] php clone() doesn't cut it
Sean Gillies
- [Mapserver-users] php clone() doesn't cut it
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] php clone() doesn't cut it
Sean Gillies
- [Mapserver-users] php clone() doesn't cut it
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] php clone() doesn't cut it
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] php clone() doesn't cut it
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] php label query?
Murat Isik
- [Mapserver-users] php mapscript with oracle spatial support
- [Mapserver-users] placing text along an arbitrary path
Alexander Pucher
- [Mapserver-users] Please help...Java Mapscript
mountainduo at mho.com
- [Mapserver-users] png.jar for JBox not available - HELP!
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] png.jar for JBox not available - HELP!
Martin Tomko
- [Mapserver-users] Point display question
- [Mapserver-users] Point display question
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Point display question
- [Mapserver-users] Point display question
- [Mapserver-users] Postgis/ PHP-Mapscript
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] Postgis/ PHP-Mapscript
r.bollen at vermes.fh-oldenburg.de
- [Mapserver-users] Probem with installation of Geo::Shapelib
Gregorio Greco
- [Mapserver-users] Problem: processTemplate()
Janett Jahn
- [Mapserver-users] Problem: processTemplate()
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] Problem for draw point in real coordinates X Y
Ezequiel Bertone
- [Mapserver-users] Problems compiling mapserver 4.0.1 with MyGIS on OSX
Christopher Fonnesbeck
- [Mapserver-users] Problems configuring Mapserver on SuSE Linux 9.0
Christian Lindner
- [Mapserver-users] Problems configuring Mapserver on SuSE Linux 9.0
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] Problems configuring Mapserver on SuSE Linux 9.0
Christian Lindner
- [Mapserver-users] problems with legends
david roguin
- [Mapserver-users] problems with legends
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] problems with mapplet
david roguin
- [Mapserver-users] problems with mapplet
Wim Blanken PI
- [Mapserver-users] Problem to show a raster layer?
Nely Balderas
- [Mapserver-users] Problem to show a raster layer?
Stephen Clark
- [Mapserver-users] Problem with WFS
Florian Jurgeit
- [Mapserver-users] Problem with WFS
Bart van den Eijnden
- [Mapserver-users] Problem with WFS
Van Ulden, Joost
- [Mapserver-users] Problem with WFS
Bart van den Eijnden
- [Mapserver-users] processLegendTemplate
Rene Teniere
- [Mapserver-users] processLegendTemplate
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] processLegendTemplate
Rene Teniere
- [Mapserver-users] Projection library error
Zipora Sidel
- [Mapserver-users] ProjectionObj UTM to LatLong - PHP
- [Mapserver-users] python mapscript 4.0.1, style, symbol...
Romain Chantereau
- [Mapserver-users] python mapscript 4.0.1, style, symbol...
Romain Chantereau
- [Mapserver-users] python mapscript 4.0.1, style, symbol...
Sean Gillies
- [Mapserver-users] query and zoom in one step
Frank Rittinger
- [Mapserver-users] query and zoom in one step
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] queryByAttributes - search in tileindexed layer
Martin Kiuru
- [Mapserver-users] QueryByRectangle problem (PostGIS layer, PHP/MapScript)
Vojtech Honzik
- [Mapserver-users] QueryByRectangle problem (PostGIS layer, PHP/MapScript)
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] QueryByRectangle problem (PostGIS layer, PHP/MapScript)
David Blasby
- [Mapserver-users] querying layers separately does not hilite items
Nikolai Vladychevski
- [Mapserver-users] Querying on multiple fields
Roger Boily
- [Mapserver-users] Querying on multiple fields
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Querying on multiple fields
Roger Boily
- [Mapserver-users] Querying on multiple fields
Roger Boily
- [Mapserver-users] Querying on multiple fields
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] QueryItem
Tracy Howlett
- [Mapserver-users] query on an extern db
Schnider Markus
- [Mapserver-users] query oracle attribute data
Mills, Daniel
- [Mapserver-users] query oracle attribute data
nicolas.fortin at ec.gc.ca
- [Mapserver-users] query oracle attribute data
Oliver Wesp
- [Mapserver-users] Query oracle attribute data.... and other functions....
Bart van den Eijnden
- [Mapserver-users] Query Question
Michael Darweesh
- [Mapserver-users] Query Question
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] Question - EROS NED service
Bryan Carlson
- [Mapserver-users] Question - EROS NED service
Brian Fischer
- [Mapserver-users] Question - EROS NED service
bartvde at xs4all.nl
- [Mapserver-users] Question - EROS NED service
Norman Vine
- [Mapserver-users] Question - EROS NED service
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Question - EROS NED service
Brian Fischer
- [Mapserver-users] Question - EROS NED service
Bryan Carlson
- [Mapserver-users] Question about Arc Explorer 4 as a client for WMS Mapserver(WIKI page)
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] Question about projections conversions...
Murilo Lacerda Yoshida
- [Mapserver-users] question on demo
Hang Sun
- [Mapserver-users] question on demo
Balkanu GIS
- [Mapserver-users] question on demo
Balkanu GIS
- [Mapserver-users] Question regarding connetion between mapserver and Arc SDE
- [Mapserver-users] Question regarding connetion between mapserver and Arc SDE
- [Mapserver-users] Question Regarding to TrueFont Support and XPM Library
teoman teoman
- [Mapserver-users] Raster with SVG output in Mapserver 4.1 dev
yuth hor
- [Mapserver-users] Raster with SVG output in Mapserver 4.1 dev
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] RE: 4.1 nightly build error: was Mouse-over
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] Re: [Mapserver-dev] dual embedded scale bar??
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Re: [ms4w-users] Query to a shapefile
Paul Spencer
- [Mapserver-users] Re: [wms-dev] Legend problem in WMS service
bartvde at xs4all.nl
- [Mapserver-users] Re: [wms-dev] Legend problem in WMS service
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] RE: Error parsing MapInfo TAB file
Balkanu GIS
- [Mapserver-users] Re: FW: SaveQuery & Queryfile
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] Re: FW: SaveQuery & Queryfile
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] Re: I have problem with demo workshop
Andre Pereira da Silva
- [Mapserver-users] Re: jBox
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] Re: jBox
Michael Smith
- [Mapserver-users] Re: jBox applet - setimage
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] Re: Label Angle Property (solved)
- [Mapserver-users] Re: List as Forum??
- [Mapserver-users] Re: List as Forum??
Liz Godwin
- [Mapserver-users] Re: MapServer
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] Re: Mapserver-users digest, Vol 1 #431 - 24 msgs
Gregorio Greco
- [Mapserver-users] Re: Mapserver-users digest, Vol 1 #431 - 24 msgs
Attila Csipa
- [Mapserver-users] Re: Mapserver-users digest, Vol 1 #442 - 29 msgs
Giorgio Plazzotta
- [Mapserver-users] Re: MapServer 4.0 Tutorial problems
Dave Walton
- [Mapserver-users] Re: MapServer 4.0 Tutorial problems
Pericles Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] Re: MapServer ImageMap feature
Dave Walton
- [Mapserver-users] Re: Mouse Over
Dave Walton
- [Mapserver-users] Re: Mouse Over
Dave Walton
- [Mapserver-users] RE: Mouse Over
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] Re: onSubmit - jBox
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] Re: question about JBox
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] Re: Server on the web
bpicinbono at worldonline.fr
- [Mapserver-users] Re: Setting scale of map while using dbox
Emilio Mayorga
- [Mapserver-users] Re: Using Mapserver & GDAL to find elevation
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] RE: Using Mapserver & GDAL to find elevation
Arthur, John
- [Mapserver-users] Re: Using Mapserver & GDAL to find elevation
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] RE: Using Mapserver & GDAL to find elevation
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] RE: Using Mapserver & GDAL to find elevation
Arthur, John
- [Mapserver-users] RE: Using Mapserver & GDAL to find elevation
Matt Doggett
- [Mapserver-users] Recommendations for multiple query of invisible layers.
Jason M. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] Recommendations for multiple query of invisible layers.
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Recommendations for multiple query of invisible layers.
Jason M. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] Recommendations for multiple query of invisible layers.
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Recommendations for multiple query of invisible layers.
Jason M. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] Recommendations for multiple query of invisible layers.
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Reference map to show bounding coordinates extent not map extent
John.Hockaday at ga.gov.au
- [Mapserver-users] Reference map to show bounding coordinates extent not map extent
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Reference map to show boundingcoordinates extent not map extent
John.Hockaday at ga.gov.au
- [Mapserver-users] Relative paths in Mapserver setup ?
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Relocation Error?
Keith Campbell
- [Mapserver-users] Reprojection of shape file.
Jason M. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] Reprojection of shape file.
Pericles Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] Reprojection of shape file.
Jason M. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] Reprojection of shape file.
Pericles Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] Reprojection of shape file.
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Reprojection of shape file.
Jason M. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] Reprojection of shape file.
Pericles S. Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] Reprojection of shape file.
Jason M. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] Reprojection of shape file.
Jason M. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] Reprojection of shape file.
Pericles S. Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] retain button state
Steve McCrone
- [Mapserver-users] retain button state
Jason M. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] retain button state
Wim Blanken PI
- [Mapserver-users] road lines
youssef chamoun
- [Mapserver-users] ROSA and 1.1 VMS
manuel gimond
- [Mapserver-users] ROSA and 1.1 VMS
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] Rosa installation problem - applet png errors
Martin Tomko
- [Mapserver-users] Rosa installation problem - applet png errors
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] Rosa problem - applet loads but doesn't allow following actions
Martin Tomko
- [Mapserver-users] Rotating labels in point shapefile
Valerio Noti
- [Mapserver-users] Rotating labels in point shapefile
Wim Blanken PI
- [Mapserver-users] Rotating labels in point shapefile
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] Rotating labels in point shapefile
Valerio Noti
- [Mapserver-users] samples for MAC users
Steve McCrone
- [Mapserver-users] SaveQuery & Queryfile
Werner du Plessis
- [Mapserver-users] saveWebImage temp directory ?
Inna Janssen
- [Mapserver-users] saveWebImage temp directory ?
Vladimir Guzmán
- [Mapserver-users] Saving Extents
Rene Teniere
- [Mapserver-users] Saving Extents
Rene Teniere
- [Mapserver-users] scale query
Mills, Daniel
- [Mapserver-users] scale query
FX Gamoy
- [Mapserver-users] scale query
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] scale query
Mills, Daniel
- [Mapserver-users] scale query
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] scale query
David Fawcett
- [Mapserver-users] scale query thanks to all responses
Mills, Daniel
- [Mapserver-users] searching in layer (newbie)
Martin Kiuru
- [Mapserver-users] searching in layer (newbie)
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] searching in layer (newbie)
Martin Kiuru
- [Mapserver-users] securing .map best practice
Oliver Meyn
- [Mapserver-users] securing .map best practice
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- [Mapserver-users] securing .map best practice
Martin, Daniel A
- [Mapserver-users] Security settings for IE 6.0
Steve McCrone
- [Mapserver-users] Security settings for IE 6.0
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] Segmentation fault - fedora
Shannon Scott
- [Mapserver-users] Segmentation fault - fedora
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Selected features color
Stepan Kafka
- [Mapserver-users] Server on the web
Marco Catellani
- [Mapserver-users] setExpression
robert fritz
- [Mapserver-users] setExpression
Rene Teniere
- AW: [Mapserver-users] setExpression
robert fritz
- [Mapserver-users] setting interlace in phpmapscript 41
Grant, Ryan
- [Mapserver-users] Setting scale of map while using dbox.
Jason M. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] shape file reprojection on the fly.
Jason M. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] shape file reprojection on the fly.
Randy James
- [Mapserver-users] shape file reprojection on the fly.
Pericles S. Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] shape file reprojection on the fly.
- [Mapserver-users] shape file reprojection on the fly.
Pericles Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] shape file reprojection on the fly.
- [Mapserver-users] shape file reprojection on the fly.
Pericles S. Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] shape file reprojection on the fly.
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] shape file reprojection on the fly.
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] shape file reprojection on the fly.
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] shapeObj label for PHP/MapScript
Rene Teniere
- [Mapserver-users] showing dots
david roguin
- [Mapserver-users] shp2mysql.pl
Gregorio Greco
- [Mapserver-users] simple php/mapscript question
Murat Isik
- [Mapserver-users] Size/length limitation for PostGIS queries?
Havard Tveite
- [Mapserver-users] Size/length limitation for PostGIS queries?
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] SLD questions - How to filter
Stefan Schwarzer
- [Mapserver-users] SLD questions - How to filter
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- [Mapserver-users] SLD questions - How to filter
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] standalone version possible?
niklas wormann
- [Mapserver-users] standalone version possible?
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- [Mapserver-users] Status of MapServer support for ESRI ArcSDE
Loy Wolfram
- [Mapserver-users] Status of MapServer support for ESRI ArcSDE
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] status of road labeling
Bart van den Eijnden
- [Mapserver-users] status of road labeling
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] Symbols / Pixmap or truetype
fheland at netcourrier.com
- [Mapserver-users] Test
joe at otsys.com
- [Mapserver-users] Too hard, too easy or too boring?
Keith Campbell
- [Mapserver-users] Too hard, too easy or too boring?
Pericles Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] Too hard, too easy or too boring?
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] Too hard, too easy or too boring?
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Too hard, too easy or too boring?
Martin Weinelt
- [Mapserver-users] Too hard, too easy or too boring?
Patrick J Barabe
- [Mapserver-users] Too hard, too easy or too boring?
Keith Campbell
- [Mapserver-users] Too hard, too easy or too boring?
Keith Campbell
- [Mapserver-users] Too hard, too easy or too boring?
Keith Campbell
- [Mapserver-users] Too hard, too easy or too boring?
Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
- [Mapserver-users] Too Many Symbols
Tracy Howlett
- [Mapserver-users] Too Many Symbols
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] Too Many Symbols
David Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] Too Many Symbols
Tracy Howlett
- [Mapserver-users] Township, Range, Section Data?
Aaron D. Hunt
- [Mapserver-users] Township, Range, Section Data?
Eric.Hillmuth at anr.state.vt.us
- [Mapserver-users] Township, Range, Section Data?
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] Township, Range, Section Data?
Aaron D. Hunt
- [Mapserver-users] Township, Range, Section Data?
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Township, Range, Section Data?
Aaron D. Hunt
- [Mapserver-users] Tricky bug: any hints ?
- [Mapserver-users] Tricky bug with multiple styles for one class
- [Mapserver-users] Trouble using Perl newClass->setText( $newLayer, "hello" )
- [Mapserver-users] Trouble using Perl newClass->setText( $newLayer, "hello" )
- [Mapserver-users] Trouble using Perl newClass->setText( $newLayer, "hello" )
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] Tutorial & Flash
Stephen Crawford
- [Mapserver-users] Tutorial & Flash
Pericles Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] units question
Dave Walton
- [Mapserver-users] units question
Dave Walton
- [Mapserver-users] Using Mapserver & GDAL to find elevation
Arthur, John
- [Mapserver-users] Using Mapserver & GDAL to find elevation
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Using Mapserver & GDAL to find elevation
Arthur, John
- [Mapserver-users] Using Mapserver & GDAL to find elevation
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Using Mapserver & GDAL to find elevation
Arthur, John
- [Mapserver-users] Virtual Spatial Data
we wei
- [Mapserver-users] Virtual Spatial Data
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Virtual Spatial Data
we wei
- [Mapserver-users] Virtual Spatial Data
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Virus via list
- [Mapserver-users] Virus via list
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Web map services
we wei
- [Mapserver-users] Web map services
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- [Mapserver-users] WFS & OGR Virtual Datasource
Van Ulden, Joost
- [Mapserver-users] WFS & OGR Virtual Datasource
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] WFS & OGR Virtual Datasource
Paul Spencer
- [Mapserver-users] WFS & OGR Virtual Datasource
Van Ulden, Joost
- [Mapserver-users] WFS & OGR Virtual Datasource
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] WFS and 1 on n relationships
bartvde at xs4all.nl
- [Mapserver-users] WFS Filter BBOX
Van Ulden, Joost
- [Mapserver-users] WFS Filter BBOX
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] what happened to Label-EZ?
bartvde at xs4all.nl
- [Mapserver-users] what happened to Label-EZ?
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] what happened to Label-EZ?
Rishi Mehra
- [Mapserver-users] Will MapServer Support ChartRenderer in near future releases?
Wan Xiangqian
- [Mapserver-users] Will MapServer Support ChartRenderer in near future releases?
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Will MapServer Support ChartRenderer in near future releases?
Wan Xiangqian
- [Mapserver-users] windows binary with ogr + oracle support
Merlijn Simonse
- [Mapserver-users] Windows Binary with recent IMAGMAP addition.
- [Mapserver-users] Windows Binary with recent IMAGMAP addition.
Dave Astolfo
- [Mapserver-users] Windows Binary with recent IMAGMAP addition.
- [Mapserver-users] Windows XP
Bobby Khondker
- [Mapserver-users] Windows XP
Wim Blanken PI
- [Mapserver-users] Windows XP
Pericles S. Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] wms and projections
- [Mapserver-users] wms and projections
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] wms and projections
David Fawcett
- [Mapserver-users] wms and projections
- [Mapserver-users] wms and projections
- [Mapserver-users] WMS client - multiple entries in "wms_srs"
Havard Tveite
- [Mapserver-users] WMS client - multiple entries in "wms_srs"
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] WMS client - multiple entries in "wms_srs"
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] WMS client - multiple entries in "wms_srs"
Havard Tveite
- [Mapserver-users] WMS client - multiple entries in "wms_srs"
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] WMS client and re-projection of WMS layers
Armin Burger
- [Mapserver-users] WMS Client Problem
Stefan Schneberger
- [Mapserver-users] WMS Client Problem
bartvde at xs4all.nl
- [Mapserver-users] WMS Client Problem
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] WMS Client Problem
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] WMS Client Problem
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] WMS demos online
Alexander Pucher
- [Mapserver-users] WMS demos online
Dean Gadoury
- [Mapserver-users] WMS GetFeatureInfo
Van Ulden, Joost
- [Mapserver-users] WMS GetFeatureInfo
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] WMS layer status always on?
Astolfo,Rebecca [Burlington]
- [Mapserver-users] WMS Not returning Image, but no errors
Mark Rodrigo
- [Mapserver-users] WMS Not returning Image, but no errors
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] WMS Not returning Image, but no errors
Bart van den Eijnden
- [Mapserver-users] WMS Not returning Image, but no errors
Mark Rodrigo
- [Mapserver-users] WMS Not returning Image, but no errors
J. Delfos
- [Mapserver-users] WMS Not returning Image, but no errors
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] WMS Solution: PHP/Mapscript vs CGI?
peng zhang
- [Mapserver-users] WMS Solution: PHP/Mapscript vs CGI?
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- [Mapserver-users] WMS Solution: PHP/Mapscript vs CGI?
Bart van den Eijnden
- [Mapserver-users] WMS Solution: PHP/Mapscript vs CGI?
peng zhang
- [Mapserver-users] WMS Solution: PHP/Mapscript vs CGI?
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- [Mapserver-users] Working with legend created via processlegendtemplate()
Rene Teniere
- [Mapserver-users] would like some help to dynamically change the size of TTF fonts using php mapscript
Stephen Clark
- [Mapserver-users] would like some help to dynamically change the size of TTF fonts using php mapscript
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] XML -> OGR Virtual Datasource -> Dynamic Point Layer
Van Ulden, Joost
- [Mapserver-users] XML -> OGR Virtual Datasource -> Dynamic Point Layer
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] Zoom In level
Ellenbecker, Larry
- [Mapserver-users] Zoom to in a mapserver project
- [Mapserver-users] Zoom to in a mapserver project
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] zoom to result (was MapServer)
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] zoom to results of queryByAttributes
Denis Lalonde
- [postgis-users] Re: [Mapserver-users] List as Forum??
Norman Vine
- Antw: Re: [Mapserver-users] MapScript Installation Problem
Thomas Lynen
- Antw: Re: [Mapserver-users] MapScript Installation Problem
Ed McNierney
- Antw: Re: [Mapserver-users] MapScript Installation Problem
Thomas Lynen
- Antw: Re: [Mapserver-users] MapScript Installation Problem
Ed McNierney
- Antw: Re: [Mapserver-users] MapScript Installation Problem
Thomas Lynen
- Antw: Re: [Mapserver-users] MapScript Installation Problem
Thomas Lynen
- Antw: Re: [Mapserver-users] MapScript Installation Problem
Ed McNierney
- R: [Mapserver-users] europa projection
Ballini Yvain
- R: [Mapserver-users] Rotating labels in point shapefile
Ballini Yvain
- RES: [Mapserver-users] Dynamic creation of shapefiles ...
Lowell Filak
- RES: [Mapserver-users] Dynamic creation of shapefiles ...
Murilo Lacerda Yoshida
- RES: [Mapserver-users] Dynamic creation of shapefiles ...
Lowell Filak
- RES: [Mapserver-users] Dynamic creation of shapefiles ...
Murilo Lacerda Yoshida
- RES: [Mapserver-users] erro : TIFFMergeFieldInfo
Murilo Lacerda Yoshida
Last message date:
Sun Feb 29 22:46:55 PST 2004
Archived on: Mon Oct 7 06:02:25 PDT 2024
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).