[Mapserver-users] List as Forum??

Liz Godwin godwinl at agr.gc.ca
Mon Feb 23 09:27:05 PST 2004

Hi List,

Last week was one of those weeks when I was really hunting for answers
to various questions.  In doing so, I have come to appreciate forums
compared to mailing lists for finding information, and especially for
following threads.  The activity on this mailing list is so great that I
find it hard to follow.  I have messages filtered into a separate
folder, but that's not enough.  I also find the archive difficult to
search, both index and thread pages usually sqewing the results of a

I propose that this list be migrated to a forum.  Who hosts it is
another question. The most logical host would be UMN's mapserver site.

Any one else have comments to this?  Are there reason's NOT to migrate
to a forum?  It just seems silly to have 1000 mailboxes filled with 40
(yesterday's count) messages a day (or 1 really long one if digested)
when they can be posted on a common site where we can go look at it,
sorted by thread, grouped into categories/levels whatever.  It's more
"user friendly" IMHO.


Liz Godwin

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