[Mapserver-users] Mapscript and Java

Sean Gillies sgillies at frii.com
Tue Feb 24 09:56:37 PST 2004


The best option, IMO (and without knowing anything about your app), 
would be
to set up MapServer as a stand-alone WMS server and then have your java
app make WMS requests to it for imagery.  I do this for performance 
alone.  No mapscript program will be able to make maps as fast as the
mapserv executable.

Are you familiar with deegree?  If not, search for it on the web.  Is a 
library for working with WMS and WFS.

Other options: dig into SWIG and the java mapscript, make it work, and
become a hero for all time to other java users.  Or hire somebody to do 
I know 0 about the internals of Java, but there must be somebody would 
willing to take it on.


On Feb 24, 2004, at 10:30 AM, <mountainduo at mho.com> wrote:

> Sean,
> thank you for your reply. That would be good to know if it is 
> abandoned so
> i can pursue different options.
> thanks,
> will
>> On Feb 24, 2004, at 8:52 AM, <mountainduo at mho.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> i am trying to get java mapscript working. Can someone please post 
>>> the
>>>  jar
>>> and dll for mapserver 4?
>>> thank you,
>>> will
>> Will,
>> As far as I know, the java mapscript doesn't work.  I can't remember
>> ever
>> seeing any real success stories on this list.  The java Makefile in
>> mapscript/java hasn't been touched since May 2002, so I assume it is 
>> way
>> out of date with MapServer.  It appears to be in an abandoned state.
>> If I am wrong, somebody please correct me and help Will.
>> Sean
>> --
>> Sean Gillies
>> sgillies at frii dot com
>> http://users.frii.com/sgillies
Sean Gillies
sgillies at frii dot com

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