[Mapserver-users] Problem: processTemplate()

Lowell Filak lfilak at medinaco.org
Wed Feb 18 06:45:48 PST 2004

What version are you using - it could be the call has changed from what
the documentation shows.


The following message was sent by Janett Jahn
<jjahn at et-inf.fho-emden.de> on Wed, 18 Feb 2004 12:23:04 +0100.

> I have a problem when I am using the processTemplate() function from perl 
> mapscript. 
> The function returns : 
> Type error in argument 3 of mapObj_processTemplate. Expected _p_pchar at 
> ./myfile.pl line 42. 
> my code : 
> my @tnames = keyes(%tags); 
> my @tvalues = values(%tags); 
> my $temp = 
> $map->processTemplate($mapscript::MS_TRUE,\@tnames,\@tvalues,$#tnames
> I know that there was the same question on 09.08.2002 and I read the
> (10.08.2002) too. 
> I installed SWIG version 1.1 and append the lines to typemaps.i . 
> When I run "swig -shadow -perl5 mapscript.i" I get many errors in
> Then I removed SWIG version 1.1 and installed the newest (1.3.21). 
> I appended these lines  and run swig again. Then I got 2 warnings : 
> "Depracated typemap feature ($source/$target)..." 
> I changed the lines as follows : 
>  %module argv 
>  // This tells SWIG to treat char ** as a special case 
>  %typemap(perl5,in) char ** { 
>  AV *tempav; 
>  I32 len; 
>  int i; 
>  SV **tv; 
>  if (!SvROK($input)) 
>  croak("$input is not a reference."); 
>  if (SvTYPE(SvRV($input)) != SVt_PVAV) 
>  croak("$input is not an array."); 
>  tempav = (AV*)SvRV($input); 
>  len = av_len(tempav); 
>  $1 = (char **) malloc((len+2)*sizeof(char *)); 
>  for (i = 0; i <= len; i++) { 
>  tv = av_fetch(tempav, i, 0); 
>  $1[i] = (char *) SvPV(*tv,PL_na); 
>  } 
>  $1[i] = 0; 
>  }; 
>  // This cleans up our char ** array after the function call 
>  %typemap(perl5,freearg) char ** { 
>  free($input); 
>  } 
>  // Creates a new Perl array and places a char ** into it 
>  %typemap(perl5,out) char ** { 
>  AV *myav; 
>  SV **svs; 
>  int i = 0,len = 0; 
>  /* Figure out how many elements we have */ 
>  while ($1[len]) 
>  len++; 
>  svs = (SV **) malloc(len*sizeof(SV *)); 
>  for (i = 0; i < len ; i++) { 
>  svs[i] = sv_newmortal(); 
>  sv_setpv((SV*)svs[i],$1[i]); 
>  }; 
>  myav = av_make(len,svs); 
>  free(svs); 
>  $result = newRV((SV*)myav); 
>  sv_2mortal($result); 
>  } 
> After that I run swig again and there were no errors or warnings and so I 
> compiled the perl- mapscript. 
> But I still get the same error, when I try to run my perlsript. 
> Can someone help me ??? 
> (sorry for my bad english) 
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