Antw: Re: [Mapserver-users] MapScript Installation Problem

Ed McNierney ed at
Wed Feb 11 06:04:32 PST 2004

Thomas -

Good news!  Chasing down DLL dependencies can be quite a big (and
mysterious) job.

	- Ed

Ed McNierney
President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc.
73 Princeton Street, Suite 305
North Chelmsford, MA  01863
ed at
(978) 251-4242  

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Lynen [mailto:Thomas.Lynen at] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2004 4:08 AM
To: mapserver-users at
Subject: RE: Antw: Re: [Mapserver-users] MapScript Installation Problem

now it works :-)
i have install foxserv, save all php_*.dll's in the extensions directory
from foxserv uninstall foxserv, install php+apache and copy all
php_*.dll's in the extensions dir of php



>>> "Thomas Lynen" <Thomas.Lynen at> 11.2.2004 08:44:33 
>>> >>>
Good morning ...

sorry Ed, you're right
i have copy the zlib.dll into the system32 directory but have still the
same problem i also try another php version ( 4.1.2 ) now i guess they
are additional dll that will be need ( but which ? )

next, i will try foxserv, perhaps foxserv install the dll's that i need

very frustrating, but i don't give up :-)



>>> "Ed McNierney" <ed at> 10.2.2004 16:59:52 >>>
Thomas -

Here is the first question from the Dependency Walker FAQ Page:

Q (or "F" <g>): Dependency Walker seems to only show some of my      <-
application's dependencies. Why doesn't it show all of them? 

A: When you first open a module in Dependency Walker, it only shows
implicit, forwarded, and delay-load dependencies. Many dependencies are
loaded dynamically and will not be detected until you profile the
application from within Dependency Walker. For more information, see the
"Types of Dependencies Handled By Dependency Walker" and "Using
Application Profiling to Detect Dynamic Dependencies" sections in help. 
It is difficult to detect dependencies on run-time loaded
("LoadLibrary") calls, since they're not statically referenced in the

	- Ed

Ed McNierney
President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc.
73 Princeton Street, Suite 305
North Chelmsford, MA  01863
ed at
(978) 251-4242 

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Lynen [mailto:Thomas.Lynen at]
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 10:54 AM
To: mapserver-users at; Ed McNierney
Subject: RE: Antw: Re: [Mapserver-users] MapScript Installation Problem

Hi Ed,
if the mapscript.dll would load another dll that is noch installed,
"dependency walker" ( ) show me the missing
i don't found the ZLIB.dll on the machine but i found it on our HAHTSite
MapXtreme Server.
But if i need this dll, why couldn't i download it from ?
Well, tomorrow i will test it and report the result here ( for other
developer with the same problem ) i also test another php version if the
zlib.dll don't solve the problem

Thank you very much for your help.

Have a nice evening! :-)



>>> "Ed McNierney" <ed at> 10.2.2004 16:33:16 >>>
Thomas -

You may be unable to load a DLL because *that DLL* loads another DLL at
runtime.  I think the most commonly overlooked DLL in MapServer
installations is ZLIB.DLL - do you have it installed in the system path?

	- Ed

Ed McNierney
President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc.
73 Princeton Street, Suite 305
North Chelmsford, MA  01863
ed at
(978) 251-4242
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Lynen [mailto:Thomas.Lynen at]
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 10:09 AM
To: mapserver-users at
Subject: Antw: Re: [Mapserver-users] MapScript Installation Problem

Thanks for the fast help, but i have still the same problem

i have load the mapscript_4.0.1.dll with "dependency walker" ( btw :
very good tool ) MPR.dll -> Warning: At least one module has an
unresolved import due to a missing export function in a delay-load
dependent module.

But i think it's not the problem.
If i try to load the php_GD2.dll with "dependency walker" the same
warning is displayed and the dl(php_GD2.dll) works fine.

My php.ini Settings
extension_dir = "c:\php\extensions\"
enable_dl = On
;extension=php_mapscript_4.0.1.dll <- only a comment

//     dl ("php_gd2.dll");

result :
Unable to load dynamic library

the php_mapscript_4.0.1.dll and the php_GD2.dll are in the same
directory how can php found the php_GD2.dll and not the
php_mapscript_4.0.1.dll when the both are in the same directory ?
i guess its a version conflict with php
Use anyone MapServer/MapScript with a WA(M)P configuration an can tell
me which version of Apache/Php/Mapscript he use.

according to the homepage mapscript 4.0 is compatible with PHP 4.1.2 and
up (PHP 4.3.2 or more recent recommended) source :


Thomas Lynen

>>> pagameba at 10.2.2004 12:31:31 >>>
try setting extension_dir="c:\php\extensions"

if you set extension=php_mapscript_4.0.1.dll you may not need to set
enable_dl=On.  enable_dl is enabling dynamic loading.  If you leave the
extension out of php.ini and enable_dl=On then you can use dl(
'php_mapscript_4.0.1.dll' ); in your scripts to load mapscript.  If you
add extension=php_mapscript_4.0.1.dll then you do not need to use dl in
your script and in fact it will cause an error.

the next thing to try is to get the dependency walker from and run it on php_mapscript_4.0.1.dll, it will
tell you if all the dll dependencies can be found.  Windows will
sometimes give you misleading error messages, like the extension can't
be found ... often this means that a dll the extension relies on can't
be found.



Thomas Lynen wrote:

> Hi all,
> yesterday i try to install the MapServer and MapScript.
> I install the Apache ( apache_1.3.28-win32-x86-no_src.exe ), PHP as 
> CGI ( php-4.3.3-installer.exe ) and extract the MapServer Zip File ( ) I follow the instructions in the
README.txt ( which was in the ).
> I copy all dlls in the Windows/System32 directory ( pdflib.dll, 
> libpq.dll, libcurl.dll, xerces-c_1_6_0.dll, gdal11.dll and all dlls 
> from )
> Now, the readme say i must add the php_mapscript_4.0.1.dll as a php
> i change the php.ini
> extension_dir = "./extensions" ( i also try "./", "./extensions/" and 
> "c:/php/" ) ...
> extension=php_mapscript_4.0.1.dll
> enable_dl = On ( can't be wrong )
> Of course i copy the MapScript Dll ( together with the php_proj.dll )
in the correct directory.
> I copy the php_mapscript_4.0.1.dll to c:\php\extensions\ but if a
start a php file like http://localhost/index.php a error orrcure because
they don't found the dll.
> Message  : Unkown(): Unable to load dynamic library
'./extensions\php_mapscript_4.0.1.dll' - Das angegebene Modul wurde
nicht gefunden.
> I also test it with php_mapscript_36.dll Whe i add a other dll ( 
> php_gd2.dll ), this dll could be found.
> I don't compiled any files, i use the precompiled files.
> I have additionally read the
but i t was not realy helpful.
> I use Windows 2K with SP 3 and Windows XP  with SP 1
> I hope someone could help me.
> regards
> Thomas Lynen

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