[Mapserver-users] Web map services

we wei mapgisnewbies at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 26 20:51:36 PST 2004

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Hi all,
I have a question about web map services.  I right can set up my mapserver and it uses Virtual Spatial method to get data from Oracle database through OGR.  And right now I am creating a demo using CWC2.  From my understanding, CWC2 displays layers from my WMS server through WMS services.  And I can view it successfully.  However, my question is how and where can I publish my Web map services?  And actually how the web map services work ?  How can the other people view my web map services after they are published ?  I am very new to GIS stuffs.  If I misunderstood anything, just point me out 'coz i am very confused about this task.
Thanks in advance!

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<DIV>Hi all,</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>I have a question about web map services.  I right can set up my mapserver and it uses Virtual Spatial method to get data from Oracle database through OGR.  And right now I am creating a demo using CWC2.  From my understanding, CWC2 displays layers from my WMS server through WMS services.  And I can view it successfully.  However, my question is how and where can I publish my Web map services?  And actually how the web map services work ?  How can the other people view my web map services after they are published ?  I am very new to GIS stuffs.  If I misunderstood anything, just point me out 'coz i am very confused about this task.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Thanks in advance!</DIV><p><hr SIZE=1>
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