[Mapserver-users] Oracle Spatial extents

Vladimir Guzmán bigfoot at main-task.com
Wed Feb 18 08:46:13 PST 2004

Yes, but the information I get from the table USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA is 
the global extents of all the elements in the table, and I need the 
extents of each particular element in the table.
For example, my table contains information about states, and if the user 
selects one state in a combo box, I need to get this particular state's 
extents in order to draw it with its appropiate zoom.

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot,

Vladimir Ilich Guzmán R.

Frank Warmerdam wrote:

> Vladimir Guzmán wrote:
>> Hello.
>> I don't know if this is a fool question, but I've searched everywhere 
>> and I can't get the answer.
>> How do I get the extents of a Geometry in Oracle Spatial?
>> In PostGIS I use : "SELECT extent(the_geom) FROM table".
>> What should I do to achieve the same result with Oracle?
>> I need the extents in order to put them in the map->extents.
>> Thanks a lot.
> Vladimir,
> I don't have my oracle instance running just now, but it should be in the
> USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA table or somewhere similar in the DIMINFOs.
> eg.
> select * from user_sdo_geom_metadata;
> Good luck,

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