[Mapserver-users] Oracle Spatial layer error - content not complete

Martin Tomko tomko at gku.sk
Mon Feb 16 23:42:11 PST 2004

Dear List,
I am encountering an error while tuning my connection from mapserver to
Oracle 9.2 Spatial layer. I have 3 entries in my spatial table (points).
I do a query of "shape from bodysps" or "shape from (select * from
bodysps)", and instead of 3 points drawn on my layer, I get only 1 (not
the first, not the last, also geographically in between the
remaining...). I also tried order by rownum or similar workarounds, but
all failed. Any ideas?

(Notes: no SRID used in my table, the connection works fine with plsql.
I am using connetion type oraclespatial. I have checked the extent of my
mapfile and the coordinates of the layer, everything's fine. Oh, due to
our coordinate system, all values are negative, but this shouldn't be
the problem.)


<<Martin Tomko>>

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