[Mapserver-users] Too hard, too easy or too boring?

Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
Wed Feb 4 13:19:31 PST 2004

This is slightly fuzzy in my memory, but if I recall properly solaris'
sed/awk are restricted by the length of the parameters they take from the
command line.

So basically the configure executes sed/awk commands that are too long.

You have to use GNU's version "gawk", and I think they have their own "sed"
as well, both available from sunfreeware.com ...

I've run into this problem/solution myself, I however cannot promise that
this is YOUR situation, but it sounds like it could very well be.

Good luck!

-----Original Message-----
From: mapserver-users-admin at lists.gis.umn.edu
[mailto:mapserver-users-admin at lists.gis.umn.edu]On Behalf Of Keith
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 4:00 PM
To: Patrick J Barabe
Cc: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
Subject: Re: [Mapserver-users] Too hard, too easy or too boring?


Thanks for your reply. I've tried your suggestion first, as it seemed 
the simplest. However, no happy ending as in your case, same result as 


Patrick J Barabe wrote:

>Try again with --enable-runpath in your configure options.  I had
>compile errors for weeks that never got better until I noticed the
>reference that that option in README.CONFIGURE.  First try with that
>option and all my problems evaporated.  This on Solaris 9.
>good luck,
>On Tue, 3 Feb 2004, Keith Campbell wrote:
>>OK, just trying to get your attention. I posted this yesterday under a
>>different title and got no responses.
>>Here's the problem. I'm trying to compila an install a WFS Server
>>enabled Mapserver on a Solaris (this is proving to be a very frustrating
>>experience, no doubt partly due to my lack of knowledge of UNIX). I
>>think I've got all the libraries installed that I need, even though they
>>are in non-standard locations (it's not my server). The configure script
>>runs to completion and only seems to complain once:-
>>checking for httpd... /export/home/local/apache2/bin/httpd
>>awk: syntax error near line 1
>>awk: bailing out near line 1
>>awk: syntax error near line 1
>>awk: bailing out near line 1
>>        /export/home/local/apache2/bin/httpd version is Apache/2.0.45 ().
>>Not sure what this means or what the implications are.
>>Anyway, this is what I fed into the configure:-
>>bash$ ./configure --with-jpeg=/export/home/local/util/jpeg
>>ort/home/local/util/freetype --with-zlib=/export/home/local/util/zlib
>>nv --with-gd=/export/home/local/util/gd-2.0.15
>>til/proj --with-ogr=/export/home/local/util/gdal/apps/gdal-config
>>/export/home/local/util/gdal/apps/gdal-config --with-wfs --with-postgis
>>The make process ran for some time before spitting this out:-
>>ld: fatal: relocation error: R_SPARC_32: file ./libmap.a(mapogr.o):
>>symbol <unkn
>>own>: offset 0xfd6609c9 is non-aligned
>>ld: fatal: relocation error: R_SPARC_32: file ./libmap.a(mapogr.o):
>>symbol <unkn
>>own>: offset 0xfd660a09 is non-aligned
>>ld: fatal: relocation error: R_SPARC_32: file ./libmap.a(mapogr.o):
>>symbol <unkn
>>own>: offset 0xfd660a69 is non-aligned
>>ld: fatal: relocation error: R_SPARC_32: file ./libmap.a(mapogr.o):
>>symbol <unkn
>>own>: offset 0xfd660c29 is non-aligned
>>collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>>make: *** [shp2img] Error 1
>>I can't find anything in the archives that points to the cause of this.
>>Can anybody help?
>>Mapserver-users mailing list
>>Mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
>*** /------------------------------------------------------/*
>** /          #####                        patrick barabe / *
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