[Mapserver-users] Query Question

woodbri at swoodbridge.com woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Tue Feb 17 20:44:47 PST 2004

Well there are really two parts to this question:

1) How to do the query of everything that is visible?
    A: set the bounding box of the query to the view extents
2) How to automatically do the query whenever the zoom scale is 
smaller than some number.
   A: I think you will have to do this in mapscript or using some 
javascript to initiate the query to post the results to another frame 
or window. You might be able to attach this action on you onLoad 
event handler for the page displaying the map.

  -Steve W.

On 17 Feb 2004 at 20:07, Michael Darweesh wrote:

> Is there an easy way to dump a multiple query for all the query points 
> currently being displayed?
> My spec says that my user will navigate my raster map (which shapefile 
> points displayed via a separate layer). And, when the user gets to a 
> certain zoom level, they get a dump (in another frame perhaps or in a 
> footer or wherever) of all the data points in that current view.
> And, probably what will happen is that some of these data points will 
> have URLs in their DB entry and they'll click further. But, I suspect 
> you don't need to know about this to help with my question.
> Suggestions?
> Thanks,
> -Mike
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