[Mapserver-users] CAD like line styles

woodbri at swoodbridge.com woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Fri Feb 13 06:37:07 PST 2004

It sounds like you ask if we have line cap styles or another 
mechanism to clip the symbol being draw to the length of the line 
segment it is being drawn along.

I don't think mapserver has anything like that. 

And I think you will run into a similar problem if you are using a 
symbol along cross hatching of a polygonal boundary. Think of a wide 
pattern the intersects a polygon boundary at an angle. The pattern 
will not be clipped by the polygon boundary. I think this will be 
more pronounced with larger patterns.

-Steve W.

On 13 Feb 2004 at 14:42, Vojtech Honzik wrote:

> I have a task to try to get the MapServer output as similar as possible to
> original Microstation drawing. The main problem is in user linestyles (eg.
> electricity or sewage). Has anyone managet how to solve this problem?
> I am trying to do it using custom Truetype font, but there is a problem in
> the edges - even the whole symbol can't fit to the end of line and exceeds
> over. Is there some directive like GAP which ensures that provides the
> elimination of exceeding part of symbol?
> Thank you.
> Vojtech Honzik
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