[Mapserver-users] Re: [wms-dev] Legend problem in WMS service

bartvde at xs4all.nl bartvde at xs4all.nl
Fri Feb 20 03:07:21 PST 2004


I am forwarding your message to the Mapserver User list as I assume this
was your intention.


With regard to the Legend. Are you trying to use:
1) GetLegendGraphic (SLD WMS) or
2) LegendURL

LegendURL is not supported by Mapserver at the moment as far as I know,
and I don't know if GetLegendGraphic is implemented or is going to be
implemented. Perhaps DM Solutions can comment on this part more.

See also for more information:


If I understand correctly you define a PROJECTION in your MAP file which
does not have an associated EPSG code? What kind of WMS client are you
using to visualize your maps? The client can use a BBOX in its WMS request
to define which extent it wants to zoom in to. Normally the EXTENT in the
MAP file determines server-side what the extent is, but I don't think this
will influence the WMS interface of Mapserver. Can you shed some more
light on your problem?

Best regards,

> Dear MapServer Users
> I have installed , configured and implement the Mapserver 4.0 with
> success.
> Also I have managed to make it OGC Compliant and to enable the WMS
> Service.
> The only documentation I have found was
> http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/doc40/wms-server-howto.html
> If you have any additional documentation you are welcomed to propose to
> me.
> I have 2 additional problems configuring my Web server as WMS:
> 1. I cannot retrieve the LEGEND (In WMS service), even if I have created a
> legend and this legend works fine in the WEB mode. How I can configure the
> map file in order to retrieve the Legend file?
> 2. The map in the WMS Service is shown in the World Extent even if in the
> Web Service I focus on the Europe Extent (My maps are covering only
> Europe).
> My projection works fine for the Web service but not for the WMS Service.
> I
> am using:  Lambert_Azimuthal_Equal_Area. (PROJ = LAEA, Lat_0=48, LON_0=9).
> I
> cannot use an EPSG code.
> How I can configure the map file in order to Focus only in Europe Extent?
> Panos Panagos
> Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
> Institute for Environment and Sustainability, TP 280
> I-21020 Ispra (VA) - Italy
> email: panos.panagos at jrc.it
> tel: +39-0332-785574  fax: +39-0332-786394
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