[Mapserver-users] WFS Filter BBOX

Van Ulden, Joost jvanulde at nrcan.gc.ca
Wed Feb 18 20:14:19 EST 2004

Does anyone know of WFS in MapServer 4.1 supports the BBOX filter.  I have
tried both of the example filters in the spec and neither one works.
Literal works fine.


Joost van Ulden
Natural Resources Canada / Ressources naturelles Canada
Geological Survey of Canada / Commission geologique du Canada
101 - 605 Robson Street / 101 - 605 rue Robson
Vancouver, B.C. / Vancouver (C.-B.)
V6B 5J3
Office/Bureau:  604.666.7525
fax/telecopieur: 604.666.1124
jvanulde at nrcan.gc.ca

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